Which Hogwarts house do you belong in?

What is your best trait?

My ambition.
My intelligence.
My kindness.
My bravery.

What is your worst trait?

Worst trait? I don't have any of those.
I can be a bit of a know-it-all.
I'm too nice, people walk all over me.
I can be reckless and get myself into trouble.

What's the perfect way to spend the afternoon?

Buying myself things.
Curled up with a good book.
Spending time with friends or family.
Going on an adventure.

You see a sign on a door that says, "DANGER: DO NOT ENTER." What do you do?

I go in, no one or nothing tells me what to do.
I stay out, there's probably a good reason for that sign...
I run the opposite direction and don't look back.
I go in, there's probably something awesome in there!

What pet would you own?

A reptile.
An owl.
A dog.
A horse.