Explore the Enchanted Forest, riddled with plaster statues and 1970's animatronics. Then, mosey on through western town, grab some carnival food, and hit the roller coasters.
Hike the skyline trail up to Panarama Point to get a beautiful view of The Mountain and valley. Listen for the whistle of the marmot while on your hike!
The only way to get to Clark Island in the San Juans is by boat! Enjoy a long paddle and spend the night on the beach beneath the starts falling asleep to the lapping waves.
The Pacific Crest Trail Days in Cascade Locks allows hikers a chance to demo and buy from different gear brands across the nation.
Smith Rock is a great place for avid outdoors people to hike, or to try their hand at outdoor rock climbing. At night, sleep in the climber's bivouac with an amazing view of Smith Rock.