<span style="color: orange;">''COUNT THE ANIMALS TO GET A STORY''</span>
Hello, in this little demo game you have to count the animals to "win" a story about <span style="color: yellow;">Doug the Bug</span>. It's still a bit rough and ropy, and uses third party material indistinctly (so it's not for publication), but it demos the gist of what I wanted to build for my 5-year-old pre-school children. For any feedback, please (link: "email")[(goto-url:"mailto:ensslin@ualberta.ca")] me.
So, this game is about numbers,...
<img src="http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-F7tOmhLYuF0/UefBUB2v-sI/AAAAAAAAB-k/oOmdvSyxcig/s1600/contestjunaug2005.gif" height="30%" width="30%">
[[Question 1]]
[[Go straight to bug adventure|But let's move on.]]Awww, not quite. Try again.
(set: $score to 0)
Your score is $score.
<img src="http://www.clker.com/cliparts/S/N/2/Q/8/6/sad-bunny-md.png">
[[Question 1]]
[[Go straight to bug game|But let's move on.]]
[[Back to start|Numbers for Anton and Leo]].Awww, not quite. Try again.
(set: $score to 0)
Your score is $score.
<img src="http://www.clker.com/cliparts/S/N/2/Q/8/6/sad-bunny-md.png">
[[Question 1]]
[[Go straight to bug game|But let's move on.]]
[[Back to start|Numbers for Anton and Leo]].That is the right answer!
(set: $score to 5)
Your score is $score
<img src="https://4vector.com/i/free-vector-rabbit-clip-art_119161_Rabbit_clip_art_medium.png">
Continue to [[next question|Question 2]].
[[Back to start|Numbers for Anton and Leo]].How many ''bugs'' can you see in this image?
<img src="http://www.smileyme.com/stickers/insects-bugs-stickers/stickers-insects.gif">
[[eleven 11]]
[[twelve 12]]
[[fourteen 14]]How many ''bunnies'' do you see?
<img src="https://themoscowtimes.com/static/uploads_new/publications/2016/7/1/a080bb28b7304660b0e7ac1e03f2f63c.jpg" alt="How many bunnies do you see?">
[[seven 7]]
[[ten 10]]
[[thirteen 13]]Never mind. [[Try again|Question 2]].
(set: $score to 5)
Your score is $score.
<img src="https://image.pastiseru.com/storage/posts/2017/11/16/ozi4qjrGVF.jpg">
[[Ah well, who cares? Let's go straight to the bug game.|But let's move on.]]
[[Back to start|Numbers for Anton and Leo]].Never mind. [[Try again|Question 2]].
(set: $score to 5)
Your score is $score.
<img src="https://image.pastiseru.com/storage/posts/2017/11/16/ozi4qjrGVF.jpg">
[[Ah well, who cares? Let's go straight to the bug game.|But let's move on.]]
[[Back to start|Numbers for Anton and Leo]].Great job! Way to go!
(set: $score to 10)
Your score is $score.
<img src="http://laoblogger.com/images/cartoon-bug-clipart-8.jpg">
[[Continue|Question 3]].
[[Back to start|Numbers for Anton and Leo]].How many ''fish'' are in this image?
<img src="https://thumb7.shutterstock.com/display_pic_with_logo/164272/164272,1261124642,1/stock-photo-great-tropical-fish-collection-on-white-background-43042630.jpg" height="40%" width="40%">
[[twenty-four 24]]
[[twenty-eight 28]]
[[thirty-two 32]]This is a tricky one, right? Not to worry.
(set: $score to 10)
Your score is $score.
<img src="https://thumbs.dreamstime.com/z/pearl-shell-shocked-expression-cartoon-29093317.jpg height="50%" width="50%">
[[Try again|Question 3]]
[[Ah well, who cares? Let's go straight to the bug game|But let's move on.]]
[[Back to start|Numbers for Anton and Leo]].This is a tricky one, right? Not to worry.
(set: $score to 10)
Your score is $score.
<img src="https://thumbs.dreamstime.com/z/pearl-shell-shocked-expression-cartoon-29093317.jpg height="50%" width="50%">
[[Try again|Question 3]]
[[Ah well, who cares? Let's go straight to the bug game|But let's move on.]]
[[Back to start|Numbers for Anton and Leo]].Well done! You won!
(set: $score to 15)
Your score is $score.
<img src="http://moziru.com/images/tropical-fish-clipart-happy-fish-12.gif"
You have earned [[your story.|But let's move on.]]
[[Start over again.|Numbers for Anton and Leo]]
(text-style: "fade-in-out") [This text wants to draw attention to itself.]
(text-style: "emboss") [This text thinks it's more important than it actually is.]
(text-style: "smear") [This text wants to attract zombies.]
(text-style: "upside-down") [This text is upside down.]
(text-style: "rumble") [This text is massively scared.]
(text-style: "shudder") [This text suffers from hypothermia.]
[[But let's move on.]]
[[Back to start|Numbers for Anton and Leo]].Once upon a time there was a (either: "grumpy", "jolly", "sleepy") stick bug named Doug. Doug sat in his glass showcase at the (link: "Victoria Bug Zoo")[(goto-url:"http://www.victoriabugzoo.ca/")] day in, day out, waiting for little people to take him out of his enclosure and lose their wits over his peculiar shape and enormous size (well, for a bug, that is).
(if: $score is <=10)[Well you see, if you'd won your numbers game, you'd now be able to move on with the story. [[Game over|Question 1]].]
(if: $score is >10)[One day he decided to take life into his own hands - uhm feelers - and started to prepare his escape. The next day, when Tom the keeper opened his case, he took a deep breath and jumped right into Tom's face. Tom stumbled backwards in shock, trying to get Doug out of his face without hurting him. Doug took advantage of the situation, took a big jump, and scuttled out of the room, through a crack in the door he had studied for months, and out into the great wide open. He was free at last.]
[[Back to start|Numbers for Anton and Leo]].