"My" Millennium: a trAce Anthology
Contributor's Page
Mez [Mary-Anne Breeze]
KoDe Dis.pensa 4 the DataH Inphoennium

The Millennium is nearlee up.on us, clutching at our collective [conscious] throatz and constricting our sense ov the chronological, ov substantiative flowing time. Thinking ov the end of the Millennium [a distinct fracture point in this fluid system] makes us conceptually breathless and leaves us gasping for the next truth, the next infowave. This period [.] of strategically driven hype[rtime] intersects perfectee with the cult of the Information Age - both in scope & paranoia. We seem 2 cult.u.rally invest similar amounts ov consumptive eNerGY in2 PMT [P/re/sent/post Millennium Tension] & hy[pah!]steria, as 2wardz our tandem ack!knowledgement of technology as sa[tanic]viour and potenti.all religion re:placement. It is this notion/juncture which has N-abled the Datah Inphoennium 2 spawn; this work which churns traditional Christian dogma/imagery 2gether with computer scripting/language[z]/network symbolism.

MEZ [Mary-Anne Breeze] is an electrostatix artist who gets labeled "net.artist" and "multimedia practitioner" with tendrillonic regularity. She holds degrees in Applied Social Science & Creative Arts, and bastardizes her arts practice via arts journalism in order to actualize her chrome hypaTeXtian visions & avatarian state[ment]s.




Tom Bell

Tom Bell is an experimental visual poet who often uses the web as his medium. He is currently a psychologist in private practice near Nashville, TN, where he lives with his wife and children. He has had poetry and visual poems published in print and on the web. His extensive web work can be found linked to his homepage.




Raul Ferrera-Balanquet
Presente Continuo

Raul Ferrera-Balanquet was born in La Habana, Cuba, 1958. He lives and Work in Emeryville, California and Merida, Yucatan, Mexico. He received his MFA in Video and Multimedia from The University of Iowa, 1992. His work has been exhibited at the Whitney Museum of American Art, NY; Centro de Arte Contemporaneo de Barcelona, Spain; Museo de Arte Moderno de Bogotá Colombia; CineSanjuan, Puerto Rico; Galeria Peón Contreras, Mérida, México; Museo de Sonido e Imagen, Sao Pablo, Brasil, y el Festival de Cine, Video y Televisión de La Habana, Cuba, among others. He has published in ArtPapers, Atlanta; Felix, New York; El Juglar, Merida; Yucatan y Perra! La Revista en Miami, among others. He has received several prizes and awards including National Endowment for the Arts (NEA), 1989, 1991, 1995; The Lyn Blumental Criticism Award, 1993, y el Fulbright Fellowship, 1998.

Raul is the producer, programmer and designer of the Presente Continuo site. The collective was formed for this specific proyect and, it is the first time that an online art magazine has been produced in the city.

Jorge Lara: born Merida, Yucatan, 1960. He is the author of several poetry books: El sueño (UADY, 1990), Sostener la luz (Ediciones de la Gorgona, 1991), Fosforescencias (La Hoja Murmurante, Edo. de México, 1992), Tierra Recién Nacida (UNAM, 1998). He was Winner of the Literary Grand Prize of the Institute of Culture of Yucatan, 1989, and received Third Prize, Hispanoamerican Poetry, 1989 y Prize Artistic Merit 1997. He is a member of the Center of the Yucatecan Writers.

Roger Metri, born in Merida, Yucatan, Mexico, 1961, is the author of several books, including Nostalgia del Sol, Certeza de lo frágil, Las alas perversas, Nostalgia de la luz y Naufragio de la luz. His works have been published in many literary magazines: Tierra Adentro, El Cuento, Fronteras, Cultura Sur, Fronteras, Parva, Navegaciones Zur and El Juglar. He received an Honorable Mention Poetry Prize, José Gorostiza, 1992, He was winner of the Clemente López Trujillo Literary Prize in 1994. He is a Member of the Center for the Yucatecan Writers.

Reyna Echeverria was born in Tizimin, Yucatan, Mexico, 1971. She has had three books published: Sombras del abismo (poetry), La aurora nos besó... (short stories) y Cartas prohibidas para Miguel (letters). Her work has appeared in several Mexican and international magazines such as El Cuento and Tierra Adentro. She is Executive Creative Designer of El Juglar. She won the Literary Prize "Clemente López Trujillo", 1999, and received an Honorable Mention in the III International Literary Contest/Magazine Xicóatl, Salzburg, Austria. In 1998, she won the FONCA Prize, Mexico City.




David Knoebel

David Knoebel is an artist/writer whose projects include web, video, and billboard poetry. "The English language includes more than 250,000 words. Good combinations are still available." Visit his website.




JeanNet [Jeanette Lambert]

Montreal-based web artist Jeannette Lambert began using the WWW creatively three years ago, when she kept a daily, multi-media online journal that was awarded one of the year's best personal homepages by the Mining Company. At the same time she began collaborating in cyberspace with visual artist Raquel Rivera to create web art that has been described as 'subversive feminist hypertext'. Last year she gathered sounds from the streets of New York City for her project "One Night in Greenwich Village". This streaming audio web art project is exhibited by the Machida City Museum of Graphic Arts in Tokyo, Japan and also by Nomads in Washington D.C. As well, her background in music as a professional jazz vocalist/lyricist inspired her to create the website Jazz Grrls, a guide to women in jazz on the Web. http://www.dsuper.net/~rant/




Jennifer Ley
The Body Politic
Under the O, Two Thousand

Jennifer Ley is the editor of two Internet poetry sites, The Astrophysicist's Tango Partner Speaks, and Riding the Meridian, which has just debuted.

Her poetry, artwork and hypertext poetry suites have been published widely on the Internet, by, among others: The Animist, Octavo, Recursive Angel, 2River View, Conspire, Agnieska's Dowry, PoetryMagazine.com - her work is archived at poetrycafe.com Examples of her hypertext work were published at Conspire, November, 1998; Snakeskin, October, 1998 and Animist in February, 1999.

Ms. Ley's work is also anthologized in print in the upcoming Athen's Poetry Circle's second anthology, in Silhouettes on the Electric Sky and in Will Work for Peace. At Heelstone, a new hypertext project can be found in process: On Freedom and Confinement in the Victorian Age




Olia Lialina
Agatha Appears

Olia Lialina [Olga Lialina] is a web artist and film critic who lives in Moscow. She has recently begun a new venture—operating a unique online gallery called Teleportacia for those who want to buy web art. She is the author of numerous web-works: My Boyfriend came back from the War, Will-n-Testament, The Great Gatsby, Heaven & Hell with Michaël Samyn. There is an interview by Jeremy Welsh at Rhizome.

Her continuing interests include Internet languages, structures and metaphors.




Marjorie Luesebrink
The Magic Millennium CyberCarpet

M.D. COVERLEY is the pen name of MARJORIE C. LUESEBRINK, M.F.A.   She teaches writing and literature in the School of Humanities and Languages at Irvine Valley College, Irvine, California.  Her non-fiction and scholarly articles on folklore, contemporary literature, and hypertext technology have appeared both in print and on-line.

A full-length, CD-ROM hypermedia novel, Califia, is forthcoming from Eastgate Systems.

Recent short fiction on the web includes: "The Lacemaker", a story episode in the collaborative "The Book of Hours of Madame de Lafayette" produced by Christy Sheffield Sanford and "Life in the Chocolate Mountains" in edition (#7) of Salt Hill (Syracuse University). "Rain Frames" is forthcoming from Interrobang.




Catherine McGovern
A Dakar Chronicle

Catherine McGovern is a Montreal-based web artist. One of her current projects is touche, a web installation scheduled for the Manitoba Visual Arts Network in September. For this, she has received support from the Canada Council Media Arts section and the Banff Centre for the Arts.

She has recently returned from Senegal where she was one of a team for ISEA Afrique Virtuelle Virtual Africa: Dakar Web. She was instrumental in the production of five collaborative artists' web fiction projects.

McGovern was Studio XX Programming Co-ordinator February 1997 to January 1999 Curator of NightLight; the XX on-line web art collection Creator and Director of Maid in Cyberspace - le festival XX d'art WWW (May 1997).

She has worked as Internet Consultant for Galerie La Central in Montreal for various events and most recently for the 1999 Amour-Horreur exhibition.




Talan Memmott
NEXT: [N]ex(i)t

Talan Memmott is a writer living and working in San Francisco, California. He comes to writing from a background in fine art, having studied painting, installation, video and performance art, as well as critical theory. His hypertext work has appeared in the online publications Perforations, Perihelion, Big Bridge and frAme. Memmott currently works in the multimedia field as Production Director for the web development firm PERCEPTICON and serves as Creative Director for the literary hypermedia journal BeeHive.




Reiner Strasser
buona notte, angeli

Reiner Strasser was born 1954 in Antwerpen, Belgium. He studied art, art history and philosophy at the University of Mainz, Germany in the 70's. His web works, international collaborations and web art projects date from 1996. His exhibitions/publications since 1997 include Parallel Notion Network (an international collaborative project celebrating technology, communication and art, 1997; online exhibition at the Room without Walls, Canada, 1997, 1999; Wr-eye-tings Sketchpad, USA, since 1997; ZINEn new media art gallery, Canada, since 1998; ArtQuadrat (online gallery),Germany, 1998. His work has appeared in The East Village Poetry Web (Journal of Art and Poetry by Jack Kimball); Volume Five, Japan, February 1999; POTEPOETTEXTEIGHTEE, electronic magazine, published by Potes & Poets Press and edited by Peter Ganick, NewYork, 1999; The Little Magazine CD 22 Gravitational Intrigue (an anthology of emergent hypermedia) University of Albany, NY, 1999 and Aix Art Contemporaine Web en Provence,1999. His Weak Blood international project attracted 76 participating artists from around the world April-June, 1999.




Ted Warnell
Timeline, Timetrac

Born in Canada, 1954. Ted Warnell is an entrepreneur and freelance artist. His digital art work is exhibited at real and cyberspace art galleries, and in print, digital, and Web publications. Ted defined and established the Art & Technology Web site for The Mining Company, New York, and continues new media explorations and writing for ZINEn: a journal of new media experimental visual literary theory practice. Write Ted Warnell.




Helen Whitehead
Time To Write

Helen Whitehead is a writer and editor for Web and print. As well as creating her own writing, she facilitates children's hypertext and other writing projects in the UK and world-wide, including as Editor of the trAce Online Writing Community's children's writing web site Kids on the Net. She lives in Nottingham.

Other work
Visions and Dreams
Cave Bytes (with Leonie Winson) for the Nottingham NOW97 Festival
Writing Kids
Mirror, Mirror, a triangular-shaped hypertext, is among her most recent works. The author would welcome collaborations in this or other projects with web programmers, graphic designers, musicians or artists. Please contact her.