ELL Catalog - Documents

The ChessBard


The ChessBard

Authored by Aaron Tucker and Jody Miller
Published by the artists in 2014

The ChessBard is a collaborative project between Aaron Tucker and Jody Miller that takes the input of the algebraic notation for a chess game and translates it into a poem. The poems are based on 12 source poems Aaron wrote, 6 poems for the white pieces, 6 poems for the black pieces,: theres is a 64 word poem for each color's pawns, knights, rooks, bishops, queen, and king. When a piece lands on a square it triggers a word from the source poems and the translator compiles them together and outputs a poem. | The particular game feature on this piece took place between Marcel Duchamp and Vera Menchik in Paris, 1929 and ended in a draw. Duchamp, who incorporated chess imagery into a number of his art pieces, was a very strong player and was a member of the French National Team in the 1920's.; Vera Menchick became the first Woman's World Champion in 1927, successfully defending her title 6 more times.

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Website: http://chesspoetry.com/