Climate Change on the Ecosystem

Polar bears have evolved for a life on the sea ice, which they rely on for reaching their seal prey. But the arctic sea ice is rapidly diminishing due to a warming earth, affecting the entire arctic ecosystem, from copepods to seals to walruses.

For polar bears, less ice means

  • Reduced access to food
  • Drop in body condition
  • Lower cub survival rates
  • Increase in drowning
  • Increase in cannibalism
  • Loss of access to denning areas


Scientists predict that as the Arctic continues to warm, two-thirds of the world's polar bears could disappear within this century.

Climate change is real

Are scientists still debating climate change? No. Over 97% of climate scientists—the experts in their field—agree that human activities are causing the current warming and related climate disruption.

is it too late?

Taking action now won't result in an immediate stop to climate change, but new studies show that we could see the effects in about a decade. Your actions today will help prevent potentially catastrophic changes from taking place—not only helping polar bears, but preserving the climate that has allowed humans to flourish.