Hello and welcome.
How are you?
[[Bad]]This is GOOD NEWS! Happy for you.
Are you ready to start?
[[No]]Well that's tough to hear. I hope you feel better soon.
Ready to start?
[[No]]Awesome! let us [[begin.]] Then don't.
This is your life.
Thanks for [[playing.->start]]Now let us set the scene.
Would you like live in the [[city,]] on a [[farm]] or a [[simulation?]] What a wonderful choice!
The city is a lovely place!
The place where opportunity meets beauty and all dreams come true.
Almost like a story in a [[book.]][[YEE]] [[HAW!]]
Interesting choice.
Maybe it feels like your only choice?
you are now faced with a big white door.
Looks heavy.
[[Open door]]
[[Turn around and walk away]]You've opened the door.
Feel cool now?
[[Naw]]Yet another interesting choice.
You turn and walk away from the big white door.
What are you [[scared?]]
NoYeah I would be too, I mean it IS a big white door in the middle of nowhere like....
What is it even doing there?
Is that normal?
Would you like to [[continue walking?]]
[[Yes->continue walking?]]
NoWhat a strange site to see.
A door, a big white door, in the middle of nowhere.
Do you want to [[continue walking?->continue walking]]
[[Yes->continue walking]]
NoWhat a crazy thing.
A big white door in the middle of nowhere.
Who put it there? what could it be doing there?
And why are you still [[walking away from it?]]
This isn't my fault!
You are the one that decided to walk away in the first place.
Your choices controle [[this situation!]]
Dose that make you feel better?
Good you should feel better.
You are powerful.
Do you like being powerful?
Do you feel scared?
[[no->Yes]]Well that's your choice.
Let us [[keep walking.]]Forever, and ever and ever. [[We walk.]]Forever, until the end of time. [[We walk.->keep walking.]]Well hello powerful, I'm dad.
Do you still feel scared?
[[No->Yes]]What a great day to live on a farm.
Birds are cherping.
Hay is baling.
And it's a great day!
Wouldn't you say?
[[Yes->yes15]]The cows are mooing today and the sun is out.
[[Kill cow]]
[[Bale hay->Bail hay]]YOU FUCKING MONSTER!!!!!
[[TRY AGAIN!->Yes]]Baling hay all the live long day, yay, yay, haha!
What a great way to spend the day!
A day of baling hay!
But what a strenuous activity.
Must be hungry.
[[Eat berries]]
[[Go in and make a sandwich->Go in and make a sandwitch]]Awesome!
You should feel cool! Might wanna grab a sweater?
You know [[what they always say]]?Yeah I mean all you did was open a door.
That's not very cool.
But you weren't scared of what was behind it.
You don't seem to be scared of the unknown.
Are you scared of the unknown?
[[No->no16]]"Don't just pack it, wear your jacket."
Wise words.
[[Look around room->look around room]]I see you eating the berries.
But do you know what kind of berries they are?
Do you know the side effects of the barries that you consume?
Did you even think about the consequences?
You're starting to feel [[dizzy->simulation?]] now aren't you?There isn't much in the house to eat.
But there is enough to make a peanut butter and jelly.
Just like Grandma used to make.
[[Eat the sandwich->Eat the sandwitch]]As you eat the sandwitch you overlook a pond.
There are trees and birds that engulf this body of murky water.
You begin to reflect on why [[you chose]] to live on the farm in the first place.
Maybe it was becasue you enjoy [[solitude]] or [[peace and quite.]]
Maybe you like to be [[away from the chaos.]]
Yes it is nice to live alone.
To eat alone.
To do things alone.
You are [[alone.]]
Yes yes the quite is nice.
But it does get [[lonley.]] Yeah the city is busy and crazy and ongoing and chaotic and active and overloaded and big and rowdy and evey which way and rapid and active and colected and overloaded and overpopulted and alive.
Boy oh boy is the city alive.
Do you feel [[alive?]]
[[no->no10]] Good good.
This is the correct way to feel.
The RIGHT way to feel.
Good job.
Way to go!
Always doing the right thing.
You [[always know what]] to do. Hmm that's strange.
Almost like you've become self-aware?
That can't be.
There's no way.
Do you know where you are?
[[No->no11]]That's weird.
How could you know?
Have you been here before?
[[No->no12]]Good let us keep it that way.
Well that's it.
That's all I got for you.
[[The end.]][[Thanks for playing.]]It seems that you have.
Well that only makes sense.
well then you should know what happens [[next.->simulation?]]Okay.
[[Thanks for playing.]] Always know what?
Well you know what to do, you do it [[eveytime.]]
You bail the hay.
Then you eat a sandwitch.
Then you live out your life and the aliens take you away?Everytime?
Oh, you must not [[know.]]
Well that you, that you are not alive.
No you're not in a simulation.
Unless of corse you would consider a book a simulation.
You are not alive on your own, but within our hearts.
Although I am sorry to spoil the [[end]]ing for you.
You were then abducted by aliens and taken back to their home plant.
The climate was much to hot for you and you died of heat induced death.
[[Thanks for playing.]] But better then that city with all that ruckus.
That city is just a mess and a fuss.
This is much better than that city will ever be.
[[Gaze over the pond]]Yes what a splendid day!
Shall we [[bale hay?->Bail hay]]Yeah the unknown is scary.
But can it ever really, truly, ever be more scary than what you already know?
[[No->no17]]That's wonderful.
That is a wornderul way to live!
Do you have regrets?
[[No->no21]]I guess you're right.
The unknown is probubly the scaryest thing in life.
The thing that leads to regret.
Do you feel [[numb?]]
Do you feel [[alone?]]
Man you must have gone through some shit!
Bad ass!
Props to you!
Now let's see what's in this door shall we?
[[Yes->look around room]]
After all that? After everything you say no?
Have it your way.
[[Sit.]]You are now sitting in the room.
You are losing feeling in your toes and fingers.
Not like when you're cold, just a room tempeture numb feeling.
Are you sure you don't want to check out what's in the room?
[[No->look around room]]Suit yourself.
The room is getting [[darker.]]The feeling of numbness you are experinceing is now creeping up your legs and arms.
You start to lose feeling in your face as well.
As the room continues to [[darken.]]You now can't feel anything but the blood individually pump through each of your tiny veins.
Your heartbeat pushes your body, both forward, and back with every new cycle of blood that rushes through its chambers.
The room is now [[dark.]]So dark that you can't see a thing.
You now sit in the dark and feel numb.
This is the reality that you chose.
Are you happy?
[[Thanks for playing.]] Wish you could go back?
Maybe make some [[different choices->differnt choices]]?
Yeah that does sound nice.
[[Next]]I hate to be the bearer of bad news......but
[[Next->next]]This is it.
[[Next->next1]]You now have to live with the choices that you made.
The people you didn't love enough when you had the chance.
The time you waisted on meaningless or mindless activities.
All the time you spent worrying, over things that did not matter.
Or the things that you failed to do becasue fear was standing in your way.
Your time here is up.
[[Next->next2]]And if you ever did have the chance to do it all over again.
I would hope that you wouldn't have the same regrets.
noun: time; plural noun: times
1.the indefinite continued progress of existence and events in the past, present, and future regarded as a whole.
"travel through space and time"
2.a point of time as measured in hours and minutes past midnight or noon.
"the time is 9:30"
3.time as allotted, available, or used.
"we need more time"
4.an instance of something happening or being done; an occasion.
"this is the first time I have gotten into debt"
5.(following a number) expressing multiplication.
"five goes into fifteen three times"
6.the rhythmic pattern of a piece of music, as expressed by a time signature.
"tunes in waltz time"
I hope you enjoyed your time.
Wile you had it.
[[Next->next5]][[Thanks for playing.]]It is a little bit of a chilly day today now isn't it?
Kind of a weird chilly that sends shivers down your spine.
And the water looks like it's moving.
How strange.
[[Look closer]]The pond normally is a perfect reflection of what's above it, but the water seems to be moving today.
And it's getting colder.
There are lights in the scattered reflection.
[[Look up]]I know this may have seemed like the brave thing to do or the right thing to do.
And honestly what more could you have done?
It's not like keeping your feet under the covers at night will actually have save you from all the monsters in your beadroom.
But [[there is nothing->there was nothing]] saving you now. Then
There was nothing.
[[Thanks for playing.]] WINNER WINNER WINNER WINNER!!!!!
Well this is [[the end.]][[Thanks for playing.]]Well.....
[[Thanks for playing.]]You are quite young, probably only about 13 or 14.
There is much of the world that you haven't seen yet.
So what do you want to do today?
[[Go to the bookstore]]
[[Clean out closet->Clean out your closet]]What a divine choice.
Your favorite bookstore is a bit of a walk, about 45 minuets.
But it's all worth it for Eichelers!
[[Take the walk]]You clean out your closet and find many things that you used to play with when you were younger.
Toys and such.
Then you find a book. One you have never seen before.
[[Read book->Walk inside]]This walk is a familiare one.
The walk takes you by the Green-wood Cemetary where your Great Grandma was buried.
The walk is nostalgic to you, dispite only haveing lived for slightly more than a decade.
[[Continue the walk]]After what seems like no time at all you arive at Eichlers.
[[Walk in]]Smells just like it always did.
Like books.
Where would you like to look this time?
[[Sifi books]]
[[Romance books]]Yeah I wasn't one for romance books either.
You walk over to the Sifi book section that is starting to feel more and more like home.
You look around for a bit and find a book that looks super rad!
[[Purchase book]]
[[Keep looking]]You walk over to the romance books and try to find somthing fun to read.
But after looking for five long minuets you find a book in the wrong place.
Looks like a good book.
[[Purchase book]]
Sick a cool book that all your friends will like!!
There's one problem....
You only have $8 and the book is $14.
[[Put the book back]]
[[Steal book]]you look around and find another book that seems to look good.
[[Get second choice book and walk home->WH2]]As much as it hurts you to put it back you know that there will be something else that will suit you just as well.
[[Keep looking->KL1]]Quit the heist for a young kid like you aye?
You are able to sneek out with the book with no questions asked.
Well done.
[[Walk home]]What a great day!
You got the book you wanted and you still have $8 to spend on something else in the furture.
A truly awesome day!
[[Continue walk home->WH2]] You find a book that looks like it wouldn't be a compleat waste of time so you decide to get it.
[[Get book]]The book doesn't look great but you feel content and happy with the fact that you didn't steal the one that you really wanted.
You know that all good things will come with time.
[[Walk home->WH1]]You're feeling pretty good today, the sun is shining and the streets are oddly empty and peacful.
You decide to take a bit of a differnt route home today.
[[Continue walk home->continue walk home]] You're walking on the sidewalk next to a sketchy part of town and you see a homeless man start to approach you.
He is much bigger than you and has a glass bottle in his hands.
[[Smile at him]]
[[walk faster]]Maybe a smile will help sooth your nerves.
[[Smile]]You decide to walk faster as if that will keep him away.
But it is ineffective.
He lunges at your bag and takes you along with it.
There is [[nothing]] you can do. The homeless man sees you smile and takes it as an invitation.
He lunges at your bag and grabs you with it.
there is [[nothing]] you can do now.It's not easy watching your family bury you right next to Great Grandma Billy, especially for something so unexpected and avoidable.
Your time was cut short.
[[Thanks for playing.]]Apon ariving home you notice that the house is empty, not a soul in sight.
Not even that dead rat thats been outside your door for months now that you were really starting to connect with.
[[Walk inside]]You don't have much homework to do today so you decide to dive right into this book.
You go and sit down next to your favorite window and your cat Jenny accompanies you in your lap.
[[Open book]]The book is called "The Farm" by some chick named Haley Shea.
[[Read first page]]Baling hay all the live long day, yay, yay, haha!
What a great way to spend the day!
A day of baling hay!
[[Next page]]The farmer than grows tired and bored of his hay baling and decides to go into the house to get some grub. He makes a sandwich.
[[Next page->NP]]He eats the sandwich as he overlooks a pond.
There are trees and birds that engulf this body of murky water.
He begins to reflect on why he chose to live on the farm in the first place.
[[Next page->NP1]]The farmer loves peace and quiet. For it is his favorite way to relax. But it is a bit chilly out today. The water in the pond looks like it's moving.
How strange. He decides to look closer.
[[Next page->NP3]]
The water is rippling and splashing around and there are lights in the refelction of a huge object above them.
[[Next page->NP4]]There is a room full of many things.
Old thing and new things.
Things that look familiar and things that don't.
[[Eat sandwich->eat sandwich]]
[[Open book]]As you eat the sandwitch you overlook a pond.
There are trees and birds that engulf this body of murky water.
[[Gase over pond->solitude]][[Thanks]]Man, I wish you didn't feel like that.
And I wish the room wasn't getting darker.
But what does my opinion matter?
I'm not you.
You are you?
And [[who are you?->darker.]]Good.
You are.
[[alone.]]The farmer looks up and sees a huge spaceship. The spaceship takes the farmer from his small farm and takes him back to the aliens home planet.
[[Next page->NP5]]This planet is around 1,000 degrees celsius. That's about a fifth of the temperature of the sun. Much too hot for a human, let alone a working farmer.
[[Next page->NP6]]The farmer has his memory erased and then soon after dies a heat induced death. A sad long death. One he won't remember.
[[Close book]]What a stange book?
How sad for the farmer. How sad to have his memory erased. Good thing you're not that farmer.
[[Go to bed]]You go to bed that night feeling odd from the ending of that book.
Thankful [[you are not that]] farmer.
[[Thanks for playing.]][[For]][[Playing.->Thanks for playing.]][[Point of View->start]]