How to Make a Cup of Coffee

Let's make that coffee!

Are you the type of person who likes to drink coffee every day? Are you wasting millions and millions (okay, maybe NOT millions) of dollars on starbucks coffee on your way to class? Well, here is an easy way to make your own coffee that's fast and cheap!


Step One

First, we're obviously going to need our ingredients:

  • A coffee cup
  • Coffee grind
  • Water
  • Creamer and sugar

That is unless you like it black!


Step Two

Here's where we actually start making the coffee. You want to have at least one whole cup of water, or however much will fill your coffee mug. Proceed to heat up the water until it reaches around boiling temperature.


Step Three

While your water is boiling, measure at least 1 to 2 teaspoons of coffee grind. If you don't have any teaspoons around then around one to two scoops with a regular spoon will be just fine!

coffee grind

Step Four

When your water appears to be done heating up, pour your coffee grind into the water and stir the ingredients together. If your prefer your coffee black then congratulations! You finished your cup of coffee! If not, proceed to the next step on what to do.


Step Five

This is the last step to creating your cup of coffee, and guess what? How much creamer and sugar you use is completely up to you! If you prefer to drown your coffee with sweetness then go nuts! Just dump whatever you can into your drink and enjoy!!

Website by: KC Johnson