Vancouver Barracks

The Vancouver Barracks was established by the U.S. Army in 1849. The Barracks has served as headquarters, supply depot, recruitment center, and training station. After World War II, the U.S. Army reduced its presence.

Columbia River Waterfront

In 1942 the most important piece of real estate along the Columbia River was Kaiser’s Vancouver Shipyard. Today the Landbridge that provides a connection between Fort Vancouver and the Columbia River waterfront is most important.

Marshall House

Marshall House was named after George C. Marshall and was constructed in 1886. It served as the home for the Commanding Officer of the Department of the Columbia, and was the center for social and military activities.

Pearson Field

Originally the Vancouver Barracks polo field, Pearson Airfield was dedicated on September 16th, 1925. It was a place for those with an interest in aviation to gather. Today Pearson Airfield serves as a municipal airfield.

Providence Academy

Providence Academy was establish in 1873 by Mother Joseph and served the Vancouver community as both a school and orphanage.