red,white,blue bunting

How American Are You?

This is...

michigan state
The Wolverine State
Totally Michigan
That one state...

The Aluminum cap on top of the Washington Monument says,

Something in Latin
"Praise be to God"
Can I phone a friend?
"Laus Deo"

The first words in the Constitution read,

"Fellow Citizens of America"
"We have a dream"
"We the People"
Let me pull out my phone...

How do I get around?

By foot or public transportation
In my new (less than 5yr old) car
In my Vintage classic
I never leave the house

Every fourth of July is spent...

Camping at a nearby national forest park
Watching 'Chocolat' on Netflix
Blasting fireworks at home with neighbors
What's happening on fourth of July?

Do you vote?

I've skipped a few elections
Every year and cannot wait
Never in my life

How many states begin with the letter 'N'?

No Idea!

How do you feel when you hear "I'm proud to be an American where at least I know I'm free" sung?

I feel like I need a flag in my right hand
Never heard
Can't wait for the track to be over
I imagine the man with the blue face yelling 'Freedom!'

The best late 19th century American president was...

Thomas Jefferson
Franklin Pierce
John Tyler
Abe Lincoln

The American dream means...

Having fresh apple pie every day.
Never missing out on SuperBowl.
Remembering what we have because of our history and being thankful we have it so good here.
Setting foot in every state.