CMDC Superpower Survey

Superpowers are those technical-oriented skills you need in order to be successful in your career. The CMDC program embraces the idea that everyone has at least one--if not more--and its faculty works to coach students into finding and developing them.

Directions: Please fill out the form below with all of the relevant information. Below is the list of potential superpowers. Select the one you are most interested in by clicking on the score box next to the slider as you fill out the form.

This survey is only to be taken by majors and minors in the program, or people who are considering joining the CMDC.

Note that, if you're completely unsure about your superpower or believe you have an applicable superpower outside of these categories, you can use the "Other" field at the bottom.

Web Development

Web and mobile development (back end)

Web and mobile design (front end)

Full stack web development (front and back)

Web UX/UI (usability and design)

Search engine optimization (SEO) analysis

Content development (video, images, writing, sound, etc.)

Game Studies

Game Design

Game Development

Multimedia Design

Multimedia Design

AR Development

VR Development

Social Media

Social Media Marketing & Promotion

Social Media Communication

Search Engine Marketing (SEM) Analysis


2D Animation

3D Animation


Character Rigging



Environmental Design


Audio/Video Production

Audio/Video Post-Production

Multiplatform Writing

Multiplatform Writing

Project Management

Project Management
