Simply, Our Hands

The human hand normally has 5 digits. Within this structure there are 27 bones. Our fingers contain some of the densest areas of nerve endings in the body, and are the richest source of tactile feedback we have. In our everyday life we encounter many tasks and our hands are some of the most important tools we use to complete them. In this project I wanted to tell individual's stories by capturing their hands in their everyday routine. I utilized my love of photography and met with people from all walks of life to take a photo of their hands. These images are my own. Each of these images represent the limitless capabilities of what we can do, simply with our hands.

Everyone has a unique story to tell because everyone is different.

"It's like you become a part of the machine you are fixing. Your hands are like another gear moving about inside the engine. A lot don't understand the amount of knowledge and patience you need for this kind of work."

"We come from a time where we didn't give up on our marriage. We had to choose eachother everyday, over and over. A love like that continues to grow and develop over time and through the years it changes into something I could have never expected."

"Until one becomes a mother, no one can ever tell you what it will feel like to love someone else so deeply and profoundly that you will rejoice when they rejoice, ache when they ache, feel what they feel--even without ever speaking a word."

"Having the ability to play and create music is something that you can't explain. It is a therapy session, where you can just pour all your feelings out and into the notes."

"A tattoo is a true poetic creation, and is always more than meets the eye. Being able to create art on another persons body that is going to be there forever carries a lot of responsibility. A lot of patience is involved in the process, but the end result is always so worth it."