Fine Arts Portfolio

I, Travis Jones, have been practicing drawing portraits of famous artists. If you send me a picture of a person you want me to draw, I will draw and scan the portrait and send it to you for $50.

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Travis Marc Jones

About Travis Jones

Hello my name is Travis Jones and I am a graduate from Washington State University Vancouver.
I have an Associates In Arts from Clark College and I have received a Bachelor's of Arts Degree in Digital Technology and Culture at WSU for Spring 2019.
I have been drawing portraits of people like my professors, famous idols, family members, and friends. I also have been experimenting with jump cuts in video editing and armature to create an interesting mutation animation of the uncanny. I also like to try and design 3 dimensional art and sculpture. I plan on inhancing this portfolio to show stop motion animation using a HD camera and a copy stand. I can design anything in fine arts and bring it into the digital world and animate it with software. Here is a link to my animation and filmmaking portfolio @