cmdc_logov2LearnThinkBuild. These words encapsulate the spirit of The Creative Media & Digital Culture Program (CMDC) at Washington State University Vancouver. As one of five Signature Programs at WSUV, it integrates research and teaching in an intellectually-diverse, technologically innovative experience, applying inter-and transdisciplinary approaches that foster civic engagement from local-to-global contexts in the areas of digital humanities, media art, media communication, media studies, information systems.

The CMDC Program, home to the Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) degree in Digital Technology and Culture, sits at intersection of art, technology, and the humanities and specializes in five areas of study:

  • Web and mobile development and design
  • 2 and 3D animation for visualization and simulation
  • Social media platform development and communication
  • Sensor-based physical computing
  • iPublishing

From the production of apps to interactive exhibits, undergraduate research lies at its core and is expressed through creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving. In addition to classroom theory and hands-on practice, The Senior Capstone Course provides real world experience that helps students to jumpstart their careers and develop a commitment to civic engagement.

Visit the program’s webpages for more information.


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