Stay back


You eye a rock next to your feet. Dropping your stick, you grab the stone and throw it at the glowing eyes. By some miracle the rock hits its target, disorientating the wolf. You see that it is now your chance to make an escape.

You run as fast as you can, cutting your way through the underbrush. Thorns and twigs tear open your flesh and your child begins to cry. You dare not look back.

You run like this for minutes -- no -- hours on end.

The sun begins to illuminate your surroundings. You feel the ground shake beneath you. Supported by your knees, you glance up into the early morning sky. A convoy of tanks approach. You crouch in fear -- but you cannot hide. One of these machines halts in its tracks. A man gets out -- wearing the military colours of your people.

The mass-slaughter claimed countless lives, but there is still hope on the horizon -- you and your child are some of the few who survived. Will the echoes of that night be remembered




All you can do is hope for a better tomorrow -- a brighter future for the next generation.