I must cross


You sneak up along the wooden bridge, taking your first step onto the weathered planks. You hear a slight creak in the wood, but you steel your fear and continue forwards placing one foot in front of the other. The river masks these creaks and cracks with its steady flow. The repetition takes your mind away from the uncertainty.

You think to before this horrifying night — the happiness present in the village, the joy of starting a new chapter with him and our child. All of these hopes, dreams, and memories crushed by the imminence of selfish desires — war. Why do they hate us


Kill us


Suddenly a shift in your weight breaks you from your spell. A plank begins to jitter underneath your weight.

Quickly you bolt towards the end of the bridge, as planks begin to drop into the river below. Somehow, you make it across. You look down to check on your child. His eyes open, revealing you — your eyes. They sparkle a miraculous blue. Relief rushes over you.

The night turns to daylight as you make your way north — towards safety. The mass-slaughter claimed countless lives, but there is still hope.