
Germany - The Holocaust

In 1932 the German people elected a majority of a new party into power, the Nazi, or National Socialist Party. The Nazi's immediately elect their party leader to be Chancellor, Adolph Hitler. The German people have struggled with the edicts of the Versaille treaty following World War I, and are eager for a powerful leader to lead them to new prosperity. As Hitler begins to rebuild the German army, the people are put back to work and he becomes much loved. Hitler and the Nazi Party began to encourage a new spirit of nationalism. Along with this nationalism, Hitler began to blame the German Jewish for the country's problems, a spirit echoed among the German people. On November 9th and 10th 1938, the police force of the Nazi Party began their attacks on the Jewish shopowners, a time known today as Kristallnacht, where 8000 Jewish shops were destroyed. In the following years, Hitler began his "master plan" which was designed to purify the German blood. All people considered undesireable or less than pure German were first forced to wear patches that designated them as Jewish, gypsies or homosexual, but as the master plan, as well as World War II, ramped up, these people were rounded up and taken to labor camps in some cases, or concentration or death camps in the majority of cases. These camps were horrific places, where the people were overworked and underfed, or in the case of death camps, immediately killed either in "showers" by use of poison gas, or lined up and machine gunned.

An estimated 12 million people were killed during this atrocity.

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