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From my mind to the keyboard.

A Blues Song God's glory A Jesus Moment It is well

A descriptive picture of God's glory.

A dream I wrote down.

The calm wind blew past the lovely childs face carrying white dancing seeds whisked away from a dandelion as if they had a mind of their own, a place to go, and something to become. The child dreamed of being gently carried away as the dancing seeds caressed his soft, calm skin, and the gentle wind moved his tattered shirt and muddy trousers. The warmth of the peaceful sun calmed his thoughts as he gazed upon the never ending field. The capturing rays melted through the gracefully moving grass, covering the field with serenity.

A Jesus Moment

Its 3:32am
Just look at the time. [that I am writing/posting this]
I am INSANE for being awake right now.
I have such a busy day tomorrow with 2 midterms.
I should be sleeping.
But I can't. I won't sleep.
Its slightly ridiculous.
But maybe it is giving me the chance to share a moment I had today.
I have decided to call it a Jesus moment.
Rather than getting right to the point, I have to tell you the context.

Today...well yesterday, Tuesday, which at one point I thought was Wednesday.
I had Photoshop, XHTML, and History of Photography back to back.
We have these projects that have me digging kind of deep.
It sent my already racing thoughts into racing more.
I came to a point around 2pm where I thought my head was going to explode.
I kind of wonder if it had anything to do with the unusual coffee mocha I drank that morning.

I got to my car before going to work with some kiddos at Kids First.
I just fell into the drivers seat and just stopped.
I stopped and prayed.
I prayed that I would be able to take all these thoughts captive to Jesus.
That he would guide me though and that I can think about whatever
is noble, pure, true, and etc. This verse:

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right,
whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable
if anything is excellent or praiseworthy think about such things.
Phil 4:8
I prayed.
Shortly, at the end of my prayer I thought of a song where is says,
"..feels like chaos but some how there is peace."
I know that peace I have is straight from Jesus and none other.

I turned my car on and the radio and headed to work.
As I began to listen to the song on the radio, this is what I heard:

Whatever you're doing inside of me
It feels like chaos but somehow there's peace
And it's hard to surrender to what I can’t see
But I’m giving in to something heavenly.

That song that I thought about was playing at that moment.
And beyond there is peace...it is something heavenly.

That you're up to something bigger than me…
Larger than life…something heavenly

Something heavenly.
Chaos but there is peace.

My Jesus moment.

I hope you all sleeping sweetly at 3:32am and have Jesus moments...whether you realize it or not.
Whatever you're doing video

Whatever you're doing
By Sanctus Real

"It's time for healing
Time to move on
It's time to fix what's been broken too long.
Time to make right
What has been wrong,
It's time to find my way to where I belong.
There's a wave that's crashing over me
And all I can do is surrender.

Whatever you're doing inside of me
It feels like chaos but somehow there's peace
And it's hard to surrender to what I can’t see
But I’m giving in to something heavenly.

Its time for a milestone
Time to begin again
Re-evaluate who I really am.
Am I doing everything to follow your will?
Or just climbing aimlessly over these hills?
Oh, show me what it is you want from me…
I'd give everything… I surrender…

To whatever you're doing
Inside of me
Oh it feels like chaos but somehow there's peace.
And it's hard to surrender to what I can't see,
But I'm giving in to something heavenly…
Something heavenly.

It's time to face up,
Clean this old house,
time to breathe in and let everything out…
…that I've wanted to say for so many years,
time to release all my held back tears.

Whatever you're doing inside of me,
Oh it feels like chaos but I believe,
That you're up to something bigger than me…
Larger than life…
something heavenly.

Its time to face up,
Clean this old house,
Time to breathe in and let everything out…"

My soul fills with hope, a perfect love that never lets go.
It is well with my soul.

When disaster comes...


It is not easy to understand, but maybe we are not meant to understand.
Times of tribulation.
When disaster comes
When the clouds cover the sun
How is your heart reassured that there is so much more than this?

These past few weeks or maybe months
thoughts have been going around in my head.
I am so blessed to have the friends that I do. 
My mind can barely comprehend the reality of friends.
This evening, well now it is yesterday evening, several friends and I went swing dancing. 
It was such a joy to just spend time with friends dancing around. 

Yet it is a choice. 
Joy really, ultimately comes from Jesus.
Got Jesus?
He is the ultimate source for joy, love, and peace.
From a song I heard, “Feels like chaos, but somehow there is peace.”
That peace comes from Jesus.
Put your hope in Him and he will guide you all the days of your life.
He will never lead you the wrong way.
His plan is so perfect for you.
He wants the best for your life, despite what you may be thinking. 

Oh this world
This life is not easy.
I don’t think anyone ever said it was going to be easy.
Trials come.
It is usually when God is screaming your name for attention.
He wants you and all of you.
When disaster comes
Are you able to say
It is well, it is well with my soul

The man who wrote this old hymn lost his four daughters on a sea voyage across the Atlantic. 
He wrote based off of what he read in Kings. 
A Shunammite woman suddenly had lost her child but she was able to say, “It is well.”
2 Kings 4:26 “Please run now to meet her, and say to her, ‘Is it well with you? 
Is it well with your husband? Is it well with the child?’” 
And she answered, “It is well.”
This man had unwavering trust in the Lord. 

When disaster comes…

Sir Lanka
New Orleans
Failed midterms

Are you able to say this?

It is well with my soul.

A Blues Song

Lost Like the Ugly Duckling

We’re lost in this world of complexity.
Mhmm, we’re lost in this world of complexity.
Maybe one day we will find some clarity.

Life could be so simple if we all had love.
Oh yeah, life could be so simple if we all had love.
Without love everything is meaningless like a non-flying dove. 

Many people are telling me so many different things.
Oh so many people are telling me so many different things.
Listening to the ideas, we could find ourselves in the trouble it brings.

We must let go of these selfish wants before the dawn.
Yes, we must let go of these selfish wants before the dawn.
Holding on to these desires will make us like the ugly duckling as if never realized he was a swan.

Learn to live in this world of chaos and maybe peace will be found.
Oh one day, learn to live in this world of chaos and maybe peace will be found.
If we all find the joy and love, this world could sing a sweet sound.