Welcome to our website dedicated to the fight against cyber bullying!

In today's digital age, the internet and social media have become an integral part of our lives, connecting us with people and information from around the world. However, with this connectivity also comes the dark side of cyber bullying, which can have devastating effects on the mental health and well-being of victims. Our website aims to raise awareness about cyber bullying, provide resources for those affected, and promote a culture of kindness and respect online. Join us in our mission to create a safer and more compassionate internet for all.

External Resources

For more in depth information on cyber bullying please explore the resources provided below


stopbullying.gov is a website full of free information, helpful tips, and important tricks needed to help fight against bullying

Stomp Out Bullying

Stomp Out Bullying offers a variety of resources for parents and children to get involved with the crisis of cyber bullying. They offer crisis support lines, online media on the subject, and many more proactive resources to help victims of bullying

Kid's Health Cyberbullying

A very informative article for parents to read up and learn more about cyberbullying from an objective standpoint. This site offers less resources for bullying as a whole, but offers very insightful information on cyber bullying and its effects.