Welcome to the Fictional Underworld


Embark on a journey through Atheria's Underworld, a unique domain structured into ten distinct levels, each presenting its own environment, challenges, and guardians. This underworld is not just a place of peril; it is a testing ground for the soul, a crucible for heroes drawn from across the realms.

The Rules

In this land, the rules are clear yet unforgiving. Death is not the end but a reset, a return to the start with the knowledge of past attempts intact. This cycle continues until the final level is conquered, a challenge that has forged legends and broken many a will.

The Safe Zones

Scattered throughout each level are sanctuaries, pockets of safety amidst the chaos. These safe zones offer respite, a place to recover and prepare. Here, adventurers can find markets and traders for anything they may need or want.

The Guardians

Each level is overseen by a guardian, a formidable entity that embodies the core essence of its realm. These guardians are the gatekeepers, challenging all who dare to venture through their dominions. Overcoming them requires more than strength; it demands cunning, strategy, and deep understanding of the underworld's secrets.

The Ten Floors

From the Forgotten Caves' echoing darkness to the ethereal beauty of the Celestial Gate, each floor presents a world unto itself, populated with creatures, puzzles, and landscapes unseen under the sun. The journey from the depths of despair to the heights of hope is arduous, filled with trials that test the limits of spirit and strength.

In the Underworld of Atheria, every step is a story, and every challenge a chance for redemption. Forge alliances or tread alone, confront the darkness or embrace it, ascend beyond your limits or succumb to the abyss. Your saga begins here, in the depths of Atheria's Underworld.

Level 1: The Forgotten Caves


Step into the eerie silence of The Forgotten Caves, where darkness reigns supreme. This underground labyrinth consists of narrow passageways and vast caverns, all shrouded in an unyielding shadow only pierced by the ghostly light of bioluminescent fungi. The cool, damp atmosphere carries the constant, lonely drip of water, creating an environment that is as enigmatic as it is forbidding. Here, the darkness is a living entity, shaping the very fabric of this hidden world.

The Forgotten Caves


Navigating The Forgotten Caves presents a formidable challenge, testing adventurers' courage and sense of direction in the oppressive darkness. Visibility is a luxury, with only faint glows to light the way, turning every step into a leap of faith. The winding maze-like tunnels demand mental resilience and acute awareness, as monsters and creepy crawlies lurk about, as the ever-present shadows play tricks on the mind, blurring the line between reality and illusion. Silence is your ally; the slightest sound can spell doom.

The Forgotten Caves


In the scarce light of The Forgotten Caves, resides the Whispering Grotto, a crucial stop for adventures who attempt the climb. Their Glowshroom Broth that has become a staple among adventurers braving the cold, damp darkness of The Forgotten Caves. This ethereal dish is made from the bioluminescent fungi native to the caves, combined with underground spring water, and whatever edible roots or insects can be foraged within the caverns. The broth glows softly, providing a comforting, eerie light and essential warmth to weary travelers.

The Whispering Grotto

The Forgotten Caves

Glowshroom Broth

The Forgotten Caves


The Forgotten Caves are vigilantly guarded by the Verminlord Dreadwing a colossal bat-like creature, a silent sentinel of the shadows. Master of the dark, this fearsome guardian uses its acute hearing to detect the faintest whispers of intrusion, making stealth a critical component of survival. Confronting this creature is not a test of strength, but a challenge of cunning and subtlety, as adventurers must navigate the delicate balance between light and shadow to elude this relentless predator.

The Forgotten Caves

The Forgotten Caves serve as an initiation for adventurers, challenging their resolve, testing their senses, and forcing them to adapt to the harsh realities of the underworld. It is here that the journey begins, in the silent darkness, where every step must be taken with care, and the only way out is through the shadows that envelop everything.

Level 2: The Sunken Abyss


The Sunken Abyss offers a breathtaking yet perilous underwater realm. Here, adventurers swim through the vast, silent depths of ancient, drowned ruins. The environment is a haunting blend of beauty and desolation, with coral-encrusted buildings and shadowy crevices hiding long-forgotten secrets. Artificial sunlight filters down from above in ethereal beams, illuminating the submerged world with a ghostly glow. The weight of the water above presses in, creating a constant, oppressive reminder of the ocean's power..

The Sunken Abyss


Navigating this submerged world demands resilience and resourcefulness. Beyond the physical challenges of breath and pressure lies the maze-like intricacy of the ruins, where one wrong turn can lead to entrapment in the cold embrace of the abyss. Visibility is a treasured commodity, easily stolen by the murky depths where darkness reigns supreme. Moreover, adventurers must face the vibrant but treacherous tapestry of abyssal life. The Sunken Abyss teems with a magical and monstrous menagerie: luminescent jellyfish with tendrils that weave spells of confusion, stealthy predators that lurk in the shadows, and elusive creatures that embody the very essence of the deep. Each encounter is a brush with the unknown, adding layers of complexity to the already daunting task of exploration.

The Sunken Abyss


Within these silent ruins lie resources rare and strange. Magical flora like bioluminescent plants light the way with otherworldly glows, while scattered relics of a drowned civilization promise power and wealth with their ancient magic. Air pockets, natural and magical, provide necessary respite from the relentless need to breathe, offering safe havens in the oppressive expanse of water. Make sure to stop by the Marina's Refuge for supplies and to try out their famous Fried Squid Shark. Rumor has it, that it can increase how fast you swim.

Marina's Refuge

The Sunken Abyss

Fried Squid Shark

The Sunken Abyss


The true ruler of this domain is the Drowned Phantom, an undead pirate captain whose soul is eternally tethered to its sunken treasure. Commanding its cursed crew and the dark creatures of the deep, this ghostly adversary protects the abyss with a ferocity born of the sea itself. Facing this guardian is not merely a test of strength but a trial of the spirit, as it wields the power to stir the deepest fears within the hearts of adventurers..

The Sunken Abyss

In The Sunken Abyss, the dance of light and shadow plays across a stage of eternal silence, inviting the brave to discover its secrets while warning the unwary of its dangers. Here, beneath the waves, lies a world where the line between beauty and terror is as thin as a whisper, challenging all who dare to explore its enigmatic depths.

Level 3: The Infernal Desert


The Infernal Desert stretches boundlessly, a vast expanse of scorching sand and blistering heat. This relentless landscape is punctuated by occasional rocky outcrops, ancient sunken ruins, and deceptive mirages that blur the line between reality and illusion. During the day, the sun beats down mercilessly, turning the ground into a furnace. At night, the desert becomes eerily silent, with the temperature plummeting, adding an unpredictable element to the already harsh conditions. Sandstorms can arise without warning, obscuring vision and altering the landscape, making navigation a constant challenge.

The Infernal Desert


Adventurers face multiple threats in this arid wasteland. The extreme temperatures test physical limits, requiring constant hydration and protection from the sun's wrath. Navigation is a monumental task, as shifting sands and optical illusions lead many astray. Sandstorms not only reduce visibility to near zero but also can separate groups and erode equipment. Additionally, the desert is home to venomous creatures and fierce predators adapted to the harsh environment, lying in wait for the unwary.

The Infernal Desert


Resources in The Infernal Desert are scarce but crucial. Scattered oases offer respite with their fresh water and shade, though they can be rare and are often guarded or mirages. Ancient ruins may hold lost artifacts or wellsprings of magical energy, providing much-needed aid or power. Travelers must carry or find protective gear against the sun and sand, and what better place to find them than the Sandy Ridge. With equipment and shelter being the difference between life and death you won't want to miss this hot spot and their sweet and spicy Sunblaze Cactus Donuts.

The Sandy Ridge

The Infernal Desert

Sunblaze Cactus Donuts

The Infernal Desert


The guardian of The Infernal Desert is the colossal World Eater, an ancient creature that embodies the desert's merciless nature resembling a huge sandworm. Burrowing through the sands, it can emerge without warning to attack intruders. The sandworm is not only a physical threat but also a symbol of the desert's ever-present danger, representing the ultimate challenge of endurance and survival. Battling this behemoth requires more than brute strength; it demands cunning, speed, and an understanding of the desert’s deceptive nature..

The Infernal Desert

In The Infernal Desert, every step is a test of will, each breath a battle against the elements. Here, adventurers learn the true meaning of endurance, facing not just the physical dangers of the environment but also the mental challenge of endless, oppressive vastness.

Level 4: The Overgrown Jungle


Welcome to The Overgrown Jungle, a level teeming with life and an overwhelming sense of the untamed. Dense foliage stretches as far as the eye can see, with towering trees, thick vines, and a canopy that barely lets through a hint of sunlight. The air is thick with humidity, carrying the sounds of countless hidden creatures and the constant drip of condensation. This jungle does not merely grow; it thrives, enveloping ruins of ancient civilizations and secrets long swallowed by the greenery..

The Overgrown Jungle


In this lush labyrinth, every step forward must be earned. The dense underbrush and deceptive terrain hide pitfalls and natural traps. Navigation is a constant battle against an environment that seems to shift and change behind every turned back. Poisonous plants, venomous insects, and predatory beasts add to the peril, embodying the jungle's beauty and danger in equal measure. The ever-present humidity and swarms of insects test the endurance and resolve of even the most seasoned adventurers..

The Overgrown Jungel


But where there is danger, there is often reward. The jungle offers a bounty for those who know where to look. Medicinal herbs, exotic fruits, and clear, fresh streams provide sustenance and healing. The ruins scattered throughout the jungle may hold ancient artifacts or clues to navigate through the dense foliage. Resourceful adventurers will find the hidden village, Sylvan Perch, a mystical village suspended in the thick titanwood trees. Be sure to try out the culinary wonder known as Sapphire Beetle Crunch which can reveal the secrets of the jungle.

Sylvan Perch

The Overgrown Jungle

Sapphire Beetle Crunch

The Overgrown Jungle


The guardian of this verdant maze is the Jungle Behemoth, a creature as ancient as the forest itself. Camouflaged within the labyrinthine underbrush, it protects the heart of the jungle with a territorial ferocity. Its massive form is covered in thick, leafy vegetation, making it nearly indistinguishable from the jungle around it until it chooses to reveal itself. Confronting this guardian requires not only strength but a deep understanding of the jungle's secrets.

The Overgrown Jungle

The Overgrown Jungle is a domain of vibrant life and unyielding growth, a test of survival where nature reigns supreme. Here, adventurers must adapt and overcome, learning that in this verdant

Level 5: The Frozen Wasteland


Venture into The Frozen Wasteland, a realm where the chill seeps into your bones and the landscape stretches white and endless under a stark, cold sky. This icy expanse is merciless, with howling winds that cut like blades and snow that blinds and disorients. Jagged ice formations and deep crevasses mark the terrain, while the aurora dances silently above, casting an ethereal glow over the desolate beauty. The silence of the wasteland is overwhelming, broken only by the crunch of snow underfoot or the distant howl of the wind.

The Frozen Wasteland


Survival here is a battle against the elements. The frigid temperatures threaten to freeze the unwary, demanding proper insulation and constant movement to generate warmth. Visibility is a treacherous ally; blizzards can reduce it to zero, and the white expanse disorients, making it easy to get lost. The terrain itself harbors dangers, from hidden ice pits to unstable snow bridges over deep chasms. Predators adapted to the cold prowl the landscape, camouflaged and silent, turning the hunters into the hunted.

The Frozen Wasteland


Resources in The Frozen Wasteland are as sparse as warmth but invaluable for survival. Scattered hot springs, shielded by ice formations, offer temporary respite from the cold. Flora and fauna, though scarce, can be sources of food and materials for those skilled in Arctic survival. Ancient ice-encased ruins might hide relics or the lost knowledge of civilizations that once braved these lands. The Aurora's Cradle offers warmth and saftey for those traveling across the ice, their signature Godberry Pie warms not only the body, but the soul.

Aurora's Cradle

The Frozen Wasteland

Godberry Pie

The Frozen Wasteland


The guardian of The Frozen Wasteland is the Frost Monarch, a majestic and terrifying creature born from the heart of ice itself. Towering and spectral, it commands the chill winds and snow, a sovereign of the cold that views all warmth as an affront to its domain. To confront the Frost Monarch is to battle the essence of winter's fury, a challenge that tests not just strength but the very will to endure the cold's relentless assault.

The Frozen Wasteland

The Frozen Wasteland is not just another level; it is a testament to the raw, unyielding power of nature. Here, adventurers are reminded of their fragility against the endless cold and the strength found in perseverance. This icy expanse holds beauty in its desolation, offering clarity and a challenge that purifies the spirit, for those who dare to face its frozen heart.

Level 6: The Crumbling City


Enter The Crumbling City, a once-majestic metropolis now fallen into decay and desolation. Towering structures that once scraped the sky now lean and crumble, streets are overrun with vegetation, and the echoes of the past whisper through the empty squares and broken fountains. The city is a maze of ruins, with every corner telling a story of downfall and forgotten glory. Shadows play tricks in the half-light, and the silence is heavy, broken occasionally by the sound of falling debris or the distant cries of unseen creatures.

The Crumbling City


Navigating the city is a constant challenge, as the unstable buildings and overgrown paths hide dangers at every turn. Adventurers must tread carefully to avoid traps left by the decay of civilization and the new dangers that have taken residence in the rubble. The line between friend and foe blurs as other scavengers and lost souls wander the streets, driven by desperation or darker motives. The very atmosphere weighs on the mind, as the oppressive history and the weight of a thousand untold stories press down from the crumbling edifices.

The Crumbling City


Despite its decay, The Crumbling City is rich in resources for those brave enough to seek them. Hidden caches of the city’s former wealth lie scattered among the ruins, from enchanted artifacts to valuable tomes of lost knowledge. Natural resources have reclaimed much of the area, providing medicinal herbs and food for those who know where to look. However, these treasures are often guarded by the remnants of the city’s past. The only place of safety is the Archive's Stronghold where an ancient libary remains remarkably intact. Don't forget to pick up some Rubbleberry Scones, made with fresh stonefruit jam. Perfect for reinforcing teeth and bones.

The Archive's Stronghold

The Crumbling City

Rubbleberry Scones

The Crumbling City


The guardian of The Crumbling City is the Gargoyle King, a creature born from the city’s dying breath and imbued with the essence of its stone and spirit. Towering and relentless, it watches over the silent streets, a manifestation of the city's former glory and current despair. Its stone skin makes it nearly impervious to physical damage, and its ancient magic is woven into the very fabric of the city, allowing it control over the ruins and the creatures that lurk within.

The Crumbling City

The Crumbling City is a testament to the impermanence of greatness and the enduring strength of nature. Here, adventurers will confront not just the physical dangers of a city lost to time, but also the psychological battle against despair and the haunting question: what catastrophe could bring such a place to ruin?

Level 7: The Volcanic Fields


The Volcanic Fields present a stark landscape dominated by lava flows, ash clouds, and scorched earth. This is a realm where fire and rock collide, creating a terrain that is both mesmerizing and deadly. The air is thick with the smell of sulfur and the heat is nearly unbearable, distorting the air and challenging every step. Volcanic vents spew steam and gases, while rivers of molten lava carve through the blackened ground, creating natural barriers that are both beautiful and treacherous. The occasional rumble underfoot serves as a constant reminder that this land is alive and ever-changing..

The Volcanic Fields


Adventurers must navigate this infernal terrain with caution and respect for the elemental forces at play. The heat is relentless, requiring protection to avoid burns and dehydration. The ground is unstable, with new fissures and lava flows posing constant threats. Ash plumes can reduce visibility to zero and wreak havoc on the respiratory system. Meanwhile, the native creatures of this harsh environment are as rugged and unforgiving as the landscape itself, adapted to thrive in extreme heat and aggression.

The Volcanic Fields


Scarce but invaluable, resources in The Volcanic Fields demand bravery to acquire. Geothermal vents can provide energy and heat for those who know how to harness them. Rare minerals and metals forged by volcanic forces can be found, offering powerful materials for crafting and trade. The few plants and animals that endure here are tough and potent, providing unique alchemical properties or sustenance for those desperate enough to hunt them. The Magma's Mercy is the only place on the 7th floor that offers a fine dining experience. Their main delicacy comes in the form of Fried Magma Crab Claws (Fire resistance potion required to consume safely).

Magma's Mercy

The Volcanic Fields

Fried Magma Crab Claws

The Volcanic Fields


The guardian of The Volcanic Fields is the Fire Drake, a colossal dragon born from the heart of the volcano itself. Its scales shimmer like molten rock, and its breath is a gout of flame capable of melting stone. The Fire Drake is the embodiment of the volcanic fury that shapes this land, patrolling its domain with a fiery majesty that challenges all who dare to traverse its kingdom. Battling this behemoth requires not just physical strength, but the ability to outthink and outmaneuver an opponent who is one with the elemental chaos of fire and earth..

The Volcanic Fields

In The Volcanic Fields, survival means respecting the primal forces of nature and understanding that in this place of creation and destruction, fire reigns supreme. Here, the brave can forge their wills against the very fires of the earth, learning lessons of power, resilience, and the thin line between life and incineration.

Level 8: The Stormy Peaks

High above the lower levels, The Stormy Peaks present a world battered by relentless wind and driving rain. Jagged mountains reach into the clouds, their peaks hidden by the constant storms that give this level its name. Lightning illuminates the darkened sky, and thunder rolls across the vast, open spaces. The terrain is rugged and treacherous, with narrow paths winding along sheer cliffs and through dark, cold valleys where the sun rarely shines.

The Stormy Peaks


The elements are a constant adversary in The Stormy Peaks, where the wind can dash adventurers against the rocks or send them plummeting into the abyss. Navigation is a daunting task, with paths obscured by fog and sudden storms altering the landscape in moments. The cold is a creeping threat, sapping strength and dulling the senses. Predators adapted to the high-altitude environment stalk the unwary, and the ever-present storms can unleash lightning, hail, and torrents of rain with little warning.

The Stormy Peaks


Resources in The Stormy Peaks are as hard-earned as any victory. Mountain herbs and hardy alpine creatures provide sustenance for those who can brave the elements to find them. The rare minerals and plants found here are highly sought after for their magical properties and resilience. Shelter is scarce and precious, found in secluded caves or the ruins of ancient, storm-worn structures clinging to the mountainsides. Before ascending up the peaks make sure to stop by the Olympian Foothold at the base of the mountain,their Ambrosia Cloudcake is simply divine.

Olympian Foothold

The Stormy Peaks

Ambrosia Cloudcake

The Stormy Peaks


The guardian of this level is the Thunder Serpent, a massive, ethereal creature that rides the storm clouds, its body crackling with electric energy. It is the embodiment of the storm's wrath and majesty, challenging adventurers with its control over wind and lightning. Facing the Thunder Serpent is a battle against the fury of the storm itself, a test of courage against the raw power of nature at its most untamed.

The Stormy Peaks

In The Stormy Peaks, the journey is a battle against the elements, a test of will against the unbridled force of nature. Here, adventurers face the storm's heart, where every step forward is earned against the wind, and every sheltered haven is a hard-fought sanctuary against the ceaseless fury of the sky.

Level 9: The Realm of Shadows


The Realm of Shadows is a dimension of twilight and whispers, where the very light bends to the will of darkness. Here, paths change, solid ground can be an illusion, and one’s own shadow might betray them. The air is thick with the unseen and unknown, and silence is a constant companion, occasionally broken by the rustle of something just out of sight.

The Realm of Shadows


In this realm, sight can be deceptive, and the usual laws of physics and magic shift unpredictably. Navigating requires more than a map; it demands intuition and a strong sense of self, as the realm attempts to disorient and mislead with illusions and shifting landscapes. Trust becomes a valuable but scarce resource as the darkness plays tricks on the mind.

The Realm of Shadows


Light is the most precious commodity in The Realm of Shadows, not just for vision but as a ward against the encroaching darkness. Luminescent plants and creatures provide guidance and comfort, while relics of light and purity can offer protection or reveal hidden paths. Allies, though rare, become invaluable, each light shared doubling its worth. In order to conquer the shadows, adventurers must seek out the Lantern's Last Stand, an eerie out of place hotel that offers a poison that may aide or curse. The Shadow's Last Word places whoever consumes it into a trance where they must confront their worst nightmare.

Lantern's Last Stand

The Realm of Shadows

The Shadow's Last Word

The Realm of Shadows


The Shadow Beast, a creature of the dark, is the guardian of this level. Formless and ever-changing, it represents the ultimate fear of the unknown. Confronting the Shadow Beast is a test of inner strength and the ability to see through deception, challenging adventurers to confront what lies within themselves as much as the darkness without.

The Realm of Shadows

In The Realm of Shadows, the journey becomes an introspective quest as much as a physical trial. Here, in the pervasive gloom, adventurers are forced to confront their innermost fears and doubts, mirrored in the shifting landscape of shadows. It's a realm where the greatest enemy is often the one within, and emerging victorious requires not only courage but the illumination of one’s own spirit. As explorers navigate this enigmatic world, they must hold tight to their sense of reality and cling to the light, however faint, to guide them through the darkness. The path through The Realm of Shadows is as much about discovery of the self as it is about overcoming the external darkness, preparing those who traverse it for the final challenges that await beyond.

Level 10: The Celestial Gate


Step into the serene beauty of The Celestial Gate, the final level that transcends the physical confines of the preceding realms. Here, the landscape is ethereal and radiant, floating islands adorned with ancient, glowing runes hover in a vast, star-filled expanse. Light and darkness dance in harmony, creating a realm that exists in perpetual twilight, where the stars themselves guide the way. This is a place of peace and reflection, a stark contrast to the trials that have come before, offering a moment of respite and clarity in the presence of the cosmos.

The Celestial Gate


The challenges of The Celestial Gate are unique, for they are not of the physical realm but of the spirit. Here, adventurers must confront their own past, the journey they have undertaken, and the choices they have made. It is a test of wisdom and understanding, a trial where the key to success lies in accepting one's own nature and mastering the lessons of the levels that lie below. The Celestial Gate demands a final accounting of one's virtues and faults, presenting obstacles that can only be overcome through inner strength and enlightenment.

The Celestial Gate


In this transcendent realm, the resources are as intangible as the challenges. Knowledge, insight, and self-awareness become the tools for progression. The celestial light that bathes the realm heals not just the body but the soul, offering a chance for renewal and growth. Here, the memories of past deeds become the guideposts for moving forward, and the clarity of purpose is the greatest asset one can wield. Before the final battle everyone should visit the greatest place in the underworld. The End of the Road, a tavern that can fulfill any last meal request. The End of the Road gives adventurers an opportunity to reflect on their journey thus far and prepare warriors for their final trial. Their most popular drink is their "Liquid Courage" which gives any coward the heart of a lion.

The End of the Road

The Celestial Gate

Liquid Courage

The Celestial Gate


The guardian of The Celestial Gate is the Phoenix of Ages, a majestic and timeless entity that embodies the cycle of death and rebirth. Confronting the Phoenix is a confrontation with the eternal forces of change and renewal. It is not a battle to be fought with weapons but with resolve, a challenge that requires one to rise above their limitations and embrace a higher state of being.

The Celestial Gate

Emerging from The Celestial Gate, those who succeed are not the same as those who entered. They are reborn, transformed by the journey through the underworld, bearing the wisdom of the ages and the marks of true heroes. The Celestial Gate stands as the ultimate threshold, not just of this realm but of the self, offering passage to those who have proven themselves worthy of transcending the trials of the underworld and ascending to their rightful place among the stars.