With knowledge of computer programming and with the understanding of design principles. Combining different forms of media to create an ultimate multimedia project will always be my goal to achieve in the most upright way.
About me!
I’m Esmeralda, a Computer Science major, minoring in Digital Technology and Culture at WSU Vancouver. While visiting this site, you will get to know me and see the different projects that I have done throughout my years at WSU Vancouver and the ways that I have integrated knowledge of both Computer Science and DTC to improve my work.
Learning about code and the different elements there are to create one task or idea is very intriguing and sometimes difficult. It is interesting to see how the combination of both areas can create or help understanding how works go hand in hand.

After spending my time at WSU Vancouver I have obtained experience and knowledge in certain areas.
Throughout my college career, I have worked on projects for my courses. Check out my projects page to view the completed projects from one of DTC courses, DTC 375.