ELO 2012 Media Art Show



“Electrifying Literature:  Affordances and Constraints, the 2012 ELO Media Art Show,” is curated by Dene Grigar and Sandy Baldwin

Curating a show distributed across five venues and organized at a distance with one’s collaborator requires a lot of support from friends, colleagues, and supporters. 

Sandy and I would like to begin by thanking West Virginia University, particularly the Department of English and the Eberly College of Arts & Sciences for its support in allowing us to host the event on campus.  Also, much appreciation goes to the WVU Downtown Library and the English Department (for use of Colson Hall), both of which helped to make this exhibit possible.  We also appreciate the support of the local Morgantown galleries, The MAC and Arts Monongahela, and the city for making the venues available to us for showcasing electronic literature.

We also would like to acknowledge the support of our colleagues in the Electronic Literature Organization and recognize those who took the time from their schedules to jury the submissions for the exhibits.  Juror include:  Maria Angel, Aaron Angello, Bobby Arellano, Kate Armstrong, John Barber, Kathi Inman Berens, Jamie Skye Bianco, Laura Borras Castanyer,  John Cayley, Erin Costello, Jason Farman, Anna Gibbs, Loss Pequeno Glazier, Jo-Anne Green, Davin Heckman, Aya Karpinski, Deena Larsen, Mark Marino, Aaron May, David Menchaca, Stuart Moulthrop, Rita Raley, Eric Rasmussen, Joellyn Rock, Teri Rueb, Mark Sample, Jentery Sayers, Joseph Tabbi, Helen Thorington, and Patricia Tomaszek.  We were fortunate to be able to draw top flight artists and scholars to work with us to develop the exhibit.

A special acknowledgement goes to Vancouver, WA artist and art supporter, Anne John, who funded the travel for the five undergraduate docents from The Creative Media & Digital Culture Program at WSUV.  This experience is an incredibly valuable one for young scholars and artists interested in learning more about electronic literature, curating, and the art business.  A special thank you goes to the student docents, from both WVU and WSUV, who gave their time and energy to help visitors to the venues with the computers and accessing the works: 

WVU Graduate Docents

Jessica Murphy

Mikenna Pierotti

Ashleigh Petts

Bonnie Thibodeau

Eric Wardell

WSUV Undergraduate Docents

Setareh Alizadeh

Nicole Buckner

Hunter Crawford

Greg Philbrook

Margarete Strawn


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