Alexandra Saemmer
Alexandra Saemmer
Alexandra Saemmer is associate professor for information and communication sciences at University Paris 8 and vice-director or the « lab of excellence » Arts-H2H. Her current research projects focus on semiotics and aesthetics of digital media, reading and writing on digital supports. She is author and editor of several books and articles on digital literature and arts. Her books include Matières textuelles sur support numérique (Publications de l’Université de Saint-Etienne, 2007), E-Formes 2 : Les littératures et arts numériques au risque du jeu (co-editor, Publications de l’Université de Saint-Etienne, 2011). Her articles include « Aesthetics of surface, ephemeral and re-enchantment in digital literature. How authors and readers deal with the lability of the electronic device », Cyberliteratures of the world, Neohelicon No. 36 (2009), p. 477-488; « Digital literature. A question of style », Reading Moving Letters: Digital Literature in Research and Teaching. A Handbook. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag, 2009, p. 163-182 ; « Textual material in the digital medium », Regards croisés. Perspectives on digital literature, éd. Philippe Bootz et Sandy Baldwin, West Virginia University Press, 2010, p. 93-106. She also writes "paper" poetry and fiction in German and French (recently: "Das Hinterhaus", Neuerdings weiß ich viel mehr, textem, 2010) and digital poetry :
"Böhmische Dörfer" is a piece about the impossibility of reconstructing the failing memory of a traumatic historical event : the "March of Death" of the Sudeten Germans from Brno in winter 1945.
"Böhmische Dörfer,"
Alexandra Saemmer