Writing in Japanese A brief overview of Kana and Kanji


Updated 5-4-21: Site is now responsive for mobile sizes. It's not pretty that way, but it's legible and you can navigate it.


This project is a continuation of my narrative project, where my goal was to play with how presentation can influence your experience of new information that might otherwise be boring. I got, uh, a little sidetracked playing with JavaScript - I created my own plugin for making a CSS-animated "slideshow" to replace the Skrollr plugin I used in the previous project. I'm really happy with the result of my experiment, though that means a lot of the content-writing and styling for the project didn't quite get finished.

All that to say, pardon the mess.

I picked up Duolingo's Japanese course about two months ago, and I've really enjoyed learning it, and I was inspired to make it the topic of this project so I could share a bit about what makes the language so interesting.

Thanks for visiting!
