A colorful, bouncing jester.

> You enter a sprawling royal court. The floors are lavishly gilded, but the pillars and upholstery are all in a state of disrepair.

> At the end of the court, sprawled on a tattered throne, is a figure addorned in frilly, faded vibrant jester's clothes. As this figure sees you, they bound from their seat and skip towards you, bells on their hat jingling.

"What a treat, a most delectable confection!"

Her voice is shrill and giddy. She hops from foot to foot as she speaks.

"Oh, it's been an age since the last visitor I've had to entertain."

"I've nearly forgotten how to hold one's attention..."

The charlatan feigns a trip, then regains her balance and flourishes a round object that seems to apparate from thin air. On closer inspection, you see it is a human skull, flecked with scars and incisions.

"Quite the ornament to my act, no?"

"The lengths I go for my art..."

"Where did I get it? Ha ha..."

"What's one skull, in a kingdom built on them?"

She tosses the skull into the air, and begins to deftly juggle it around.

"Enough of me. Where do you hail from? Certainly from no source of means. Try not to let this opulence overwhelm you."

You observe the ruinous state of the court. You sigh and answer her politely- telling her of your village and trade.

"How pithy you are. What pity I feel. What pithy pity. Pity and putty and pots and - "

She trails off in an episode of alliterative phrases, before snapping abruptly back into the conversation.

"I knew a tradesman once... a fisherman. An honest man. They don't make it far... not far, not far at all."

"He wasn't at all like you. Where you are sallow and gaunt, he was round, and red, and handsome. I miss his face."

"Even if he is gone, what I've done for him..."

She grips the skull closer to her chest.

"What I've done I carry with me, and so, in a way, I carry him too."

"But enough from me- how exhausted you look!"

"You may bed where you please, as long as it isn't in here, nor in sight of me. And I would advise against the East wing of this place."

"It's been such a delight."

She giggles vigorously.

You depart the room, eventually settling on an alcove in a dust-covered library to rest.