AI and Cultural Identity

final-ai-project Title: AI and Cultural Identity: A Tapestry Woven with Digital Threads Introduction: My central creative question is "How can AI celebrate cultural uniqueness without overstepping?" As the brushstrokes of history painted cultural evolution through art that speaks to every human no matter the time and culture, from the cave paintings of prehistoric eras to the folk melodies that have withstood the test of time, we now stand at a threshold where AI is poised to transform these expressions for a digital future. Here, I intend to contemplate the historical tapestry of cultural art and discuss how AI is not only discovering and preserving but also reimagining these age-old traditions. My central creative seeks to understand how AI celebrates cultural uniqueness without overstepping its boundaries. I intend to recreate my early childhood experiences/days in Cassamance, the Southern region of Senegal. I had wonderful memories with my grandpa who would cut mangoes for me and him every evening as we enjoyed the cool mango tree shade. Everything was peaceful and serene. I remember bit and pieces of those days and I will use AI, Dall-e to recreate these memories I dearly cherish. In the same time, I will guide Dall-e to not overcross its boundaries by assuming that I need images from other cultural identities because this happens so frequently with AI. I will specifically point out that we stick to my prompts and guidance. We all understand that artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a pivotal and crucial partner in the choreography of cultural identity within the digital world. As a digital artist, my expedition through the realms of AI has revealed its profound capability to not only generate imagery but also to intricately weave the rich tapestry of cultural identity into the fabric of modern expression. This essay seeks to illuminate and clarify the impact of AI on representing and reshaping cultural narratives, exploring the delicate interplay between the mechanical genius of AI and the soulful essence of cultural heritage. cultural identity being transformed by AI. AI’s role in redefining cultural representation is grounded in its ability to learn and mimic complex patterns - not just visual, but also linguistic and symbolic. It also delves into the biases faced by people of color when they are looking for images of people of color. This is why I have to consistently remind AI to get me what I want. Reflective Analysis There is no argument that AI helps a lot of people cut the amount of work in half as we all live very busy lives. AI's transformative role in cultural expression is anchored in its prowess and competence to interpret and replicate complex and intricate patterns, extending beyond visual aesthetics to embrace linguistic and symbolic narratives. Advancements in neural style transfer and machine learning algorithms enable AI to blend cultural motifs into digital media, creating a resonant global impact while preserving the uniqueness of cultural identities. cultural identity being transformed by AI. AI’s role in redefining cultural representation is grounded in its ability to learn and mimic complex patterns - not just visual, but also linguistic and symbolic. It also delves into the biases faced by people of color when they are looking for images of people of color. I will talk about how I manipulate AI to get what I want, well half the time. AI-Generated Cultural Artifacts: My investigation into projects utilizing AI to digitally reincarnate cultural artifacts reveal a fascinating and mesmerizing digital resurrection of traditional crafts and methodologies. This phenomenon not only revives the physical essence of these artifacts but also reinvigorates their inherent cultural stories, allowing them to converse with contemporary audiences across the digital divide. Ethical Considerations: Venturing into the ethical labyrinth intertwined with AI and cultural identity, we encounter profound questions: Who holds the rights to cultural narratives when they are reinterpreted by AI? Can we circumvent the digital homogenization of unique cultural expressions? These pressing inquiries highlight the necessity for AI to be applied with cultural sensitivity and inclusivity, recognizing the importance of maintaining the integrity of cultural narratives within the global digital mosaic. In recent years, AI has stirred a lot of debates about ethical issues and how it is robbing artists especially struggling and new artists their well-earned income, and this is not the way things were meant to be. Ethics should be in the forefront of this discussion as it will help create a level playing field for artists whose works are stolen by AI and never receive an acknowledgement or payment. we don’t know how much of our information is out there and being used without our knowledge. I noticed this because the hyper-realistic images I kept creating with AI look like they were images of real people and real places. Additionally, I grapple with the ethical quandaries posed by AI's potential to appropriate and replicate artists' works without attribution, a pressing concern that the global creative community must address. Personal Exploration: In this domain, my personal experiences is that AI has been instrumental in reframing cultural motifs and themes within my digital artwork. Reflecting on these experiences, it is vital to note that AI not only broadened my artistic canvas but also deepened my cultural consciousness and sensitivity. Through this personal lens, I hope to offer insights into the challenges and triumphs of collaborating with AI to represent cultural identity. In my domain of digital artistry, artificial intelligence has proven to be a transformative ally in the creative process. My journey has shown me that AI is not merely a tool for replication but a medium for reimagining cultural stories in my work. It invites a dialogue between the artist’s vision and the algorithm’s interpretation, resulting in a symbiotic relationship that enriches the artwork. Such collaboration has prompted me to examine my biases and assumptions, urging a more profound reflection and respect for the cultural origins and meanings that are woven into the fabric of my creations. This introspection is essential as it guides the ethical compass in utilizing AI, ensuring that cultural representation is handled with the integrity it deserves. Critical Insights: The assimilation of AI in cultural identity is laden with implications. AI, with its pattern recognition capabilities, often defaults to perceived beauty standards and biases that manifest in its outputs. In my work, I continually refine the AI's generative processes to align with the intended cultural representation, ensuring that the diversity of human features and cultural artifacts is faithfully and beautifully rendered. In recent years, we see how AI is quickly gaining the reigns in the art and digital world, raising eyebrows of critics and evoking questions in its wake. Just like photography, AI involves a lot of human input to be able to achieve a favorable and astounding result. The person behind it prompts it using the right descriptive words that would make the AI create something. Often times than not, the results are mind-blowingly beautiful. In Conclusion: AI's venture into the realm of cultural identity transcends mere technological enhancement; it signifies an essential reinvention of cultural articulation. The future envisioned in this essay is one where AI acts not only as an archive for our ancestral past but also as a conduit to a globally connected digital future. We cannot escape from the ever-changing digital world except to embrace its awesomeness. Embracing AI in the field of cultural identity necessitates a careful equilibrium, a level-playing field and ensuring that the rich narratives of cultures worldwide are not merely preserved in digital form but are allowed to flourish and evolve. The exploration of other cultures so as to obtain a clear representation is one extent that AI should venture in. This is because it encourages more representation across cultures. We should fully well know that there could be some ethical boundaries that are bound to be crossed with AI and it is our role as humans to identify them. If we do that, we erase the chance of AI fully doing the thinking for us and controlling the narrative. When we assume this role, AI becomes a tool in our creativity and not a master who dictates its servants. We should fully know by now that AI is not going anywhere, and we need to know how to use and get the most out of it.

About the Author

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Isatou is a senior at Washington State University, Vancouver. She majors in Digital Technology and Culture and minors in Strategic Communications. Isatou is a Multimedia designer and digital storyteller.