hi, I'm


Beyond the pixels and characters, my work is driven by a vision – to connect, inspire, and create a story. Every project is an opportunity for me to make a positive impact, to spark change, and to leave an unforgettable mark on the digital canvas.

take a look

my name is jenn

about me

Born and raised in Vietnam, my current base is Portland, Oregon.

I'm a digital communicator and content creator who loves diving into her own thoughts and expressing them through digital storytelling. I enjoy exploring my inner world through the lens of the outer one.

my projects

It's not just work; it's a playground of aesthetic chaos.

As a creative soul at heart, I breathe life into ideas and concepts, infusing them with a unique blend of intercultural imagination and ingenuity. From crafting compelling narratives, dreaming up innovative content strategies, to penning stories that resonate, I pride myself on transforming thoughts into tangible, shareable works of art.

Learning new tricks and tech? Count me in – it's like having early access to the magical land!

current skills

project management
front-end web development
collaborative problem solving
creative writing
hypertext writing
data entry & management

learning skills

UX/UI design

special skills

crafting the perfect playlist for every mood
packing to move to a new country in a day

what I do

Despite being a newcomer, I love to learn new things and explore new horizons.

Diving headfirst into the wild world of digital creation, I've been on a joyous spree of learning new tools that make my creative heart do a happy dance. The digital landscape is ever-changing, and I embrace every challenge. I thrive on creating long-lasting experience, adopting new technologies, and integrating innovation into projects.

I believe that we can weave the threads for our own world, and it should starts with equitable and equally accessible technologies, as well as a commitment to crafting solutions that put people at the center.

let's chat more

I'm currently taking on new challenges, potential projects, and new connections.

Whether it's cat, coding, or creative conversation,
let's talk about it over coffee!

send me a message