About This Site


Final Project

DTC 477

Components and Sources

I started with my map from my map project, becuse I really wanted to improve the page past just being a page with a map on it. I ended up adding to the map points and having the map affect the carousel.

I used the glide jquery carousel and addapted it to work for my page. I added to the map points to change the images in the carousel as well as update the info box when clicking on a point on the map.

I used a premade Canvas animation off of CodePen and then adapted the animation for my page. I found a matrix looking animation made of connecting poimts, and changed the code to look more like connected points on a map, to fit the theme.

Originally, I tried to learn some Bootstrap for implementing the carousel, as a lot of the ones available online seemed to use it over jQuery, but I ended up having to backtrack and use jQuery with the time constraints for the project.