Apocalypse Today

The Future Going Forward - Humanity's Place Among the Stars


Nov. 1, 2021 - By Glaon Eder

The Visiri Coalition has been beaten back, and humanity now enjoys a moment of peace. The war lasted for a brief two years, and great strides have been made rebuilding in the two years afterward.


But where do we go from here? Do we reverse engineer the Visiri technology, see if we can achieve interplanetary spaceflight? Do we go back to fighting each other, disregarding the bonds we've forged as a united species?

Truthfully, that's up to the world leaders.

The fact remains that intelligent life exists beyond our solar system. Perhaps even entire galactic communities. Humanity can't afford to continue squabbling like we have since we achieved sentience; we may think otherwise, but we are no longer the top of the food chain.

We stand at a crossroads. If steps are not taken to advance society, both culturally and technologically, then humanity might one day be wiped out. If not by the Visiri, come to take revenge, then by something else.

It is time to sail the stars.