Apocalypse Today

Mysterious "Space Song" Now Believed To Be Precursor To Invasion


Oct. 13, 2017 - By Lanog Ered

On September 27th, 2017, humanity received a monumental piece of news: we were not alone in the universe. A transmission from deep space was picked up by Aion, a satellite recently deployed by NASA to monitor cosmic phenomena. The transmission was "eerie and strangely melancholic," according to cosmologist Dr. Ali Selim. "It sounds like a song made by something from the darkest depths of the ocean," he continued.

The transmission didn't match any known language conventions, which left linguists scrambling to find any sort of meaning hidden within the message. Their work was suddenly interrupted by a fleet of extraterrestrial vessels suddenly appearing in orbit above Earth nearly a week ago. The vessels, according to eyewitnesses, resemble Earth's jellyfish, if only vaguely.

It soon became clear that the transmission had been a declaration of war. Major cities were bombarded by beams of plasma while the invaders' "footsoldiers," enormous tripod walkers, crashed down to the surface like meteorites. These walkers blared the same transmission as they swept through human resistance.

Though the cause of the aliens' attack remains unknown as of now, their lightning strikes across the planet have begun the very first "Interplanetary War" in human history.