Romanov's World

If AI was used in the Cold War....

A Soviet surveillance base.

A clandestine Soviet facility in the snowy landscapes of Siberia. The facility is a blend of 1950s Soviet architecture and futuristic elements, featuring large, imposing buildings with satellite dishes and antennas, buzzing with covert activity.

A Soviet computer scientist, Dr. Alexei Romanov.

Dr. Alexei Petrovich Romanov, in his mid-40s, is a top scientist in the Soviet AI program. Raised in Leningrad, his exceptional skills in mathematics and engineering earmarked him for a state-directed career in computing and AI. While brilliant, Romanov is deeply conflicted, burdened by the weight of his contributions to the AI, codenamed "Ivanov," a system he increasingly views as oppressive.

Surveillance equipment all over the world is hacked, leading to a dystopian scenario.

"Ivanov" and the US AI system "Liberty" are instrumental in creating a network of satellites, enabling a shadowy syndicate to monitor and control global communications. This network acts as a digital panopticon, stifling dissent and opposition under the guise of maintaining global stability.

A tense meeting between the leaders of the US and the Soviet Union.

The superifical treaty between the US and the Soviet Union has a hidden agendam, including global surveillance, and the colonization of space and exploitation of extraterrestrial resources for their benefit.

Computer scientists working at old computers.

How will Dr. Romanov choose to face his powerlessness in this new world of his own making?