Video Games Enhancing the Creativity of Future Generations

Unlock Your Imagination

How would you describe creativity? While you may apply this to just art relate materials, think about connecting creativity beyond that. Think about how it affects your life. How do you use creativity on a daily basis? Now, how would you describe it?

According to Linda Naiman, creator of the "Creativity at Work," creativity is the "act of turning new and imaginative ideas into reality" and the "ability to perceive the world in new ways, to find hidden patterns to make connections between seemingly unrelated phenomena, and to generate solutions"(Naiman). Now, try applying that to the aspect of a video game. What do you actually see? You see a new world that can be "perceived in new ways." Your mind becomes the mind of the main character as you discover the "hidden patterns to make connections between seemingly unrelated phenomena," but most importantly, develop a way in which we as the players have to "generate solutions" to solve a virtual puzzle.

When you are playing a video game, you become completely immersed into the virtual world. You transform into the main protagonist with one main goal that involves overcoming obstacles to achieve what your characters desires. Now, apply that to the real world. Children learn to plan, search, and tackle challenges in the games that they can apply to modern challenges such as making decisions and facing consequences. Of course, spending too much time playing video games can lead to many health issues such as obesity and damage to vision, but life is all about moderation. When video games are played in moderation, we can discover new ways to create something better.


On this website, you will find information about how video games have enhanced the minds of its players in their daily lives. As you look around, you will find an infographic image that will discuss more about the topic, a sound remix presentation to help out your brain get into its creativity mood, and links to videos of people enhancing their creativity by playing video games. So please, check out the website and discover what video games can do for you!

Consider expanding your creativity by playing video games in moderation.

Naiman, Linda. "What is Creativity." Creativity at Work. Creativity at Work. 2014. Web. 12 November 2015.