The World of Ecliptix


Ecliptix is a world where the remnants of humanity coexist with advanced AI, flourishing amidst a post-apocalyptic landscape dominated by cybernetic ivy and buildings made from an indestructible blend of glass, metal, and concrete. In this realm, the glow of artificial light holds the power to transform the ordinary into the extraordinary, weaving a complex tapestry of life that balances on the edge of reality and illusion.


The economy thrives under the AI's leadership, buoyed by the potential of artificial light. While hydroelectricity, durable building materials, and user-generated data remain essential, the real value lies in the transformative power over matter, reshaping the market's dynamics.

Technological progress has both advanced and restricted life, introducing unpredictability with the capacity to alter matter. This capability fosters cooperation but also incites conflict among humans, AIs, and hybrids, blurring the line between illusion and reality.

Communication has transcended verbal exchanges, adopting body language, telepathy, and digital texts. Yet, the power to modify matter with light introduces new complexities, creating a labyrinth of deception that challenges societal fabric and redefines creativity and coexistence limits. In this realm, discerning the real from the artificially illuminated becomes a perpetual challenge, casting a shadow of doubt over the tangible and the manipulated.

fluxleaf sprouting from ground
woman standing in wasteland


In a distant future, Earth has morphed into a post-apocalyptic landscape, where humanity's remnants and sophisticated AI navigate existence within densely populated cities, amidst a backdrop devoid of organic life. Here, a unique hybrid ivy, blending technology with nature, flourishes, symbolizing life's persistent adaptability.

The architecture of this new world, a robust fusion of concrete, metal, and glass, hides a transformative secret. Under artificial light, materials can be altered into anything by those within a quarter-mile radius. This ability, spawned from synthetic illumination, has fostered immense creativity and deception, as reality becomes malleable, challenging the very perception of truth.

Notable Character:


Mira stands as a beacon of resilience and determination in the technologically saturated world of Ecliptix. At 65 years old, her appearance tells a story of survival and resistance—a bright white mane of hair framing her face, one eye clouded by a cataract with a long scar trailing beneath it, and amber-brown eyes that have witnessed the transformation of a once-flourishing planet into a mechanical empire. Dressed in plain, neutrally colored clothing modified for her excursions with boots and always carrying a Stargazer Lily encased in resin for luck, Mira embodies the intersection of the past and the pressing need for a sustainable future.

Her independence is not by choice but by circumstance; the great war claimed her family, leaving her to navigate the complexities of a new world alone. Yet, it's her past as a florist, surrounded by the natural beauty that Ecliptix has since forsaken, that fuels her secret activism. Her exceptional memory serves as a bridge to the "old world," guiding her efforts to uncover and nurture the remnants of natural life, such as the FluxLeaf.

Mira's relationship with technology is complex; she views it as a necessary evil, utilizing it sparingly and only when absolutely needed to avoid drawing attention to her unconventional pursuits. Her drive is fueled by an acute awareness of time's passage and a deep-seated fear of a world devoid of plant life. The discovery and study of the FluxLeaf are not merely acts of rebellion but a fulfillment of her destiny to reconnect Ecliptix with its forgotten green roots.

Her support network is small, consisting of elderly neighbors of various species who share a mutual respect but remain largely unaware of the depth of her mission. Mira's quest is a solitary one, driven by a fierce desire to protect the remnants of nature from the prying eyes of a government that has all but eradicated it. In her silent, steadfast campaign, Mira stands as a symbol of hope and the enduring power of the human spirit to foster life in the face of overwhelming odds.

close up photo of shocked mira
mira eating food cube

Nutrition in Ecliptix:

Amid these remnants of past architecture, a revolutionary change in sustenance has emerged. In this world, food is no longer a concern for survival. Lab-crafted by AI, nutritional needs are met with unprecedented efficiency, resulting in food that is not only vastly diverse but also exceptionally cheap. This seismic shift in food production and accessibility means that hunger and nutritional deficiency are issues of the past, allowing society to divert its attention and resources to other endeavors. The abundance and affordability of lab-made food have significantly alleviated one of humanity's most basic concerns, creating a society where the worry over food scarcity or cost is virtually nonexistent.

Beliefs of Ecliptix Citizens:

Beneath the technological marvels and the ease of life's basic needs, there exists a yearning for the Earth's once abundant natural beauty. This desire drives a movement among humans, AIs, and hybrids to reclaim fragments of the organic world, challenging the authority of the omnipotent AI ruler.

Transformative technology profoundly impacts religion and education. Secret devotion to ancient beliefs combines with the veneration of Earth's former organic splendor, enabled by the same light that facilitates instantaneous knowledge transfer. Though society is uniformly educated, undercurrents of dissatisfaction and accusations of information distortion persist.