The End of the World

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Hi all! Athena here. As a full-time University student I’m likely the only one who finds my own life interesting, though most of the time not at all. This blog is primarily for my own sanity, but if you happen to relate, let me know!

March 1, 2019

I was late for my first class this morning and when I arrived our professor had cancelled class with a note on the door. Great.
Well, my cousin Monica has been under the weather for about a week so I'll use this time to put together a care package for her.

March 3, 2019

I visited Monica at the hospital today. I had no idea the extent of how bad it was. So much for my care package. I'm not even sure she appreciated the gummy bears, she can't taste much right now.

March 4, 2019

Scary stuff in the news lately, so I have to check-in. There's some sort of epidemic that affected 13 people in Maine over the past two weeks. All the patients live within a 2 mile radius.

High fevers, and hallucinations that last for weeks! Stay healthy out there!

March 6, 2019

Woke up to some shocking news. Those people on the East Coast died. All of them! Doctors have no idea what's causing this, and ordinary remedies for fevers have not worked.

March 9, 2019

Two people, returned from Maine back into New York, were reported to have come down with fevers of 105℉!!

March 14, 2019

It's airborne, the experts are saying. So, don't breathe?

So far, incidents have only been reported up and down the East Coast. Supposedly they're working on a cure; this is the most aggressive illness with fever symptoms anyone has seen and it's spreading FAST.

March 15, 2019

I was issued a mask at school today, everyone was wearing one. Walking around campus, it was as if the air might affect more than just our one was out in the sunshine, there was a gloom driven by fear cast over everyone. If anyone was outside, it was only to keep their head down, their hands over their masks, to speed-walk to their classrooms.

March 21, 2019

I attended her funeral today.
Her fever wouldn't break after the second week. By then, doctors suspect that the virus had already taken hold long before.

I've stopped watching the news.

April 1, 2019

I saw her today.
Her face was so pale I could see the blue lines under her skin. Her once dark brown eyes had lightened to hazel, and glazed over like a thin cloud. I almost went up to her but had to force myself to stay back, ensuring my mask was secure. I could only watch as she slowly shuffled along, mumbling to herself. She was wearing the same dress we buried her in, only lightly stained with dirt and grass which made me think she didn't just come back. But this is the first time I've seen her.

This has happened on the East Coast, sightings of The Returned. They are not to be approached, much less provoked. They seem to keep to themselves if you leave them alone but I've seen what happens if you don't.

April 2, 2019

I might not make it to class today.

I have a fever.