Amnesia : Restored
The Original Adventure Game by Thomas M. Disch
A new version of the cult classic published by Electronic Arts 1986, now available on the web for contemporary computers.
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Get a peek at the new mechanics, modes of play, assets, and other features in the restored version of Amnesia

New Game Features
Amnesia: Restored offers four modes of gameplay for players to experience: the original Apple IIe, Commodore 64, and IBM PC, and the new web-based, contemporary mode for today’s computing devices. It also restores the portions of Disch’s manuscript omitted by Electronic Arts when it published the game in 1986. Other features include an easily accessible x-street indexer, interactive map of Manhattan, list of commands, address book, and 3D inventory of assets.
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A user-friendly interface allows players to choose the game mode and level of difficulty they wish to play. Assets originally accessed through word commands or bundled as additional physical finding aids in Amnesia have been integrated seamlessly into Amnesia: Restored and found easily via icons located on the game interface.

Objects from the original game have been re-created as 3D models and organized into an easy-to-find inventory located at a slider menu on the game interface.

Map Interface
The paper map of Manhattan is now an interactive finding aid players can consult for finding their location in the city and searching for waypoints.

X-Street Indexer
The paper wheel that players used in the original game to locate the nearest cross street has been re-created as an interactive wheel they can manipulate.