Legomenon for the orphan known only as the BOY

The narrator of {return} is almost certainly the Boy described in the Writings of the curmudgeonly philosopher who calls himself the Last One, who rescued and partially raised him in the immediate aftermath of the calamity that destroyed the world of the Ancients.

A separate Writing found with it, {making this up}, seems at first to contradict this hypothesis, though a thoughtful reading yields a more ambiguous interpretation: even if the events recalled in the first Writing 'really happened', the only way they could be known outside the time and place of their occurrence requires the use not only of memory — unreliable at best in retrieving past events into present time — but text, about which the cantankerous Last One is quite blunt in his critique: Text is the enemy.

As elsewhere, but particularly in the oldest Writings in the Archives, the generous use of ellipses (...) in these evident transcriptions could be a sign that they were originally dictations, where the inscriber wished to indicate a pause during which the speaker weighed what to say next, or else just a moment when thought trailed off...