Legomenon for an unknown partisan INSURGENT

Near the end of his tenure as Superius Frater of Mountain House, Egderus Scriptor, the founder of the Archives, was required to contend with an unexpected crisis: the urgent necessity to repurpose his home, for generations an eremitic retreat for persons wishing to withdraw from worldly concerns, into a refuge for survivors of a genocidal campaign which twice engulfed that very world. In the latter case, part of that redirection in the Mission of his order entailed giving reluctant blessing to a group of his charges bent on acts of resistance against 'the enemy', an autocratic warlord bent on world domination (or destruction).

Of the fate of this band of resistors, only one record survives: {on march}, a fragment describing its early exploits in a campaign that, if it ever got fully underway, has not been documented elsewhere, and what became of them is unknown.