Legomenon for Egderus' mentor SUPERIUS FRATER

The title Superius Frater was given to the person in charge of the hermitic community of Mountain House, where Egderus spent much of his youth, and was later assigned the position himself. Egderus' mentor and predecessor in the office left behind two fragmentary documents to piece out the story begun by Egderus in his Testament.

In the first of these Writings, {Superius Frater and Robenc}, the Superius Frater describes a dialogue between himself and Praetor Robenc, sometime after the latter left his position as Phylax or chief Guardian of the brothers under the Superius' charge at Mountain House. It forms part of the documentation of the so-called Rescue Plot wherein the Historian was freed from the Good Doctor, who was brought down with the aid of Egderus and Aric, Robenc's Adjutant.

The other fragment, here called {Superius Frater's Notes}, contains the Superius' sketches of four persons from this moment of his life, including the Good Doctor, the monstrous Gig (Robenc Robenc's predecessor as Phylax), Robenc himself, and his own 'sweet son', Egderus.

Apparently the position of Superius Frater at Mountain House was something of a punitive assignment, according to oblique comments by Egderus and others, but both this Superius and his sweet son accepted their sentence stoically, and endeavored in whatever ways possible to enhance and protect the community they had been called to serve.