Legomenon for Writings of UNKNOWN PROVENANCE

These Writings have proved undatable, even employing the most sophisticated forensic practice, but the consensus of opinion is that they were composed more recently than the work of all other Authors identified in the Archives.

Under the first heading are Writings attributed to the mysterious Remnant, an unidentifiable group of sages or seers whose pronouncements on the nature of existence appear throughout the Archives. The Writings of the so-called Romantic Impluse Author are the only ones in this timeBand that can plausibly be attributed to a single person; those clustered under the heading Insomniac are understood to have been brought together by a previous Curator with a strong opinion as to their authorship, but no hard proof (if such a thing could possibly exist) has survived their transmission. The Other Writings of Unknown Provenance gathered here are truly the miscellaneous remnant of the rest, which cannot with confidence be placed elsewhere in time.

Naturally such uncertainty has proved frustrating for many, but this lacuna in our knowledge of where, when, and how these voices from the past have reached us should not interfere with our engagement with the stories they tell, however disjointedly. After all, is this not the situation we bear with ease when meeting — and gradually coming to know — every other person who shares with us the world we inhabit day to day?