What will I do?
Lightning this morning, long before dawn, from across the water, a single flash only, no sound but the one or two crickets who have been keeping watch all night, and a single half-asleep rooster two hills over, the closest farm. Then another flash, like a burst of fireworks the local folk set off during a festa, though it's no holiday I know of. But no sound follows this time either.
I'm losing her, or have lost her already, if there's any way to tell the difference, before the actual parting, I mean, which I feel is inevitable, though nothing has been said. But neither of us wants the other to forget that this can always break, no matter how strong it felt in the beginning, and has since then, and still feels now, if only as the way things have been for so long. Because anything can always happen, as the Remnant say.
A soft rain now whispers at the window, the night stirring slightly as if taking the first turn towards morning, though that's still hours away. And now thunder, deep in the distance, a sleeper's voice just entering that last dream...
What will I do?