

In many copies of this Writing, the locution is rendered as separate words — 'our world' — an expression so general as to slip the bonds of meaningful terminology altogether.

The earliest extant renderings of the Writing, however, make it one word, 'ourWorld', which a sleepy copyist or dull-witted editor might easily regard as an error in transcription — or, to be fair, a mere eccentricity on the Author's part, insignificant in itself. Certainly it would be foolish to wax pedantic about so small a matter — if the Author in question were not the Last One, whose eccentricities are never insignificant, and his peculiar orthography might bear meaning here that it were truly foolish to pass over in such a patronizing manner.

Whatever the case, the older form has been respected here, restoring what is felt to be its technical sense in the Author's body of thought: a World of OUR making, as opposed to other Worlds that may exist — created, it may be, by Others we would do well not to disregard...