
the primaryTexts in myScholar's archives

It has been surmised that the fragmentary sentence

... I have finished reading the primaryTexts in myScholar's archives, and am now plunging into his commentaries and analysis, which secondaryText is...

inspired the Archives' later Redactor(s) to make a formal division between two types of Writings: primary- and secondaryTexts — the former type being the originary, that is, foundational texts in the Archives, while the latter type comprises texts whose intention is to supplement and support (or argue with) their referents.

Delineating these two types, narrative and interpretive text, creates (or at least implies) the need for a third type, tertiaryText — that is, lists, catalogs, and other ancillaryWritings composed and sequenced so as to serve as 'finding aids' for the others, in the end providing the elements of the present arrangement of the Archives.