what it is

... and we all lived like that, will we nill we...

... you come up on some atrocity, and you think, How could this even HAPPEN?! — & there's some twit standing next to you, & he says, 'It is what it is, comrade' — slowly, like you're the one that's stupid...

And you have to yank your hat down over your ears to keep your head from exploding — and to keep your thumbs off the [expletive] twit's larynx — because, you know, you don't want to be living in a world that can turn you into a mass murderer just like THAT.

See? I can't keep my temper even now, when the entire population of the whole malodorous planet has been made to pay the full retail price for the sins of their fathers and their father's fathers even unto the seventh generation and beyond — whichever way THAT is. I can't stop shaking with rage at ALL of them for stranding me here with nothing to do but exclaim and exclaim and exclaim!!