Safa Saphel' Isizwe by S'busiso Ngema (Sarafina! The Sound of Freedom Original Soundtrack)


Imagine this. You are at the start of a race. You are all ready crouched in your starting position getting anxious for the official to yell go. The official tells you that you are not allowed to start running until the other two racers have finished 3 laps. The total amount of laps that all runners have to run is 4 laps. How would you feel?

Statistically, African Americans/Black people are paid less wages than their white counterparts. On top of that, women are paid less than their male counterparts. Wealth in the United States is very badly distributed. Black and African American households only have a small percentage of the wealth white households have. In emergency situations, wealth allows households to be able to weather through those situations.

Wealth also allows households to be able to give their offspring a good quality education, gain real estate, relocate for bigger and better opportunities, and have better participation in the democratic process. Jim Crows laws, microaggressions, systemic racism, centuries old federal and state policies that have legalized oppression in the black communities, and other biases and discrimination drastically affect the growth of generational wealth in education, health care, jobs, housing, and even criminal justice. It is important to not use microinvalidations, but to use empathy and vote against laws and policies that continue to legalize systematic oppression. It's also important to further educate yourself about other marginilized groups' oppression(s) to further understand how you can help create equity, not just equality for underrepresented and underprivileged groups.

White Generational Wealth

Black/African American Generational Wealth


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