I Be So Glad When The Sun Goes Down by Ed Lewis

White Generational Wealth

Black/African American Generational Wealth

1492 - 1600

Africans brought to North America as slaves by Europeans. An uprising of enslaved Africans happens in North America called, "The San Miguel de Gualdape Slave Rebellion".

1600 - 1763

During this time period, the following, but not limited to, events took place: Colonial Settlement, The English Establish a Foothold at Jamestown, Evolution of the Virginia Colony, Virginia has Early Relations with Native Americans, Establishing the Georgia Colony, and The First Life Insurance Company Established.

1763 - 1783

Events included, but not limited to: The American Revolution, British Reforms and Colonial Resistance, Boston Tea Party, The Colonies Move Toward Open Rebellion, First Shots of War, Creating a Continental Army, Revolutionary War: Northern Front, Revolutionary War: The Turning Point, Declaration of Independence, Articles of Confederation Created, Revolutionary War: Southern Phase, Revolutionary War: The Home Front, Revolutionary War: Groping Toward Peace.

1492 - 1600

Slavery and Genocide begins in the "New World". Slaves stripped from their tribes, beaten until they accept their new white identities, and had their heads shaved off in order to strip them of any tribal heritage and/or culture. Assimilation and medical experimentation on slaves is forced.

1600 - 1763

Slavery remains in full effect. Africans are chained up worse than prisoners. African people are property and so are the children they bear. African people are raped and beaten every day while their children are stripped from their arms and sold. Some Africans escape to the freedom.

1763 - 1783

The first separate black church in America is founded in South Carolina. Slaves in Massachusetts unsuccessfully petition the government for their freedom. Phillis Wheatley becomes the first published African-American poet when a London publishing company releases a collection of her verse.

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