<img src="images/title.png" width="300">
You find yourself at your door, ready to leave for who knows where. You smell a slightly burnt odor coming from the kitchen.
If you stop to look around, you see...
(click-append: "see...")[a slightly messy house. The stove appears to be $stove.]
(enchant: "see...",(text-style: "rumble"))
[[Go hit the road!]]
[[Stay home.]]
(set: $stove to "on")
(set: $stone to "no stone for me")
(set: $tranquility to 0)
(set: $inventory to (a:))<img src="images/road1.jpg" width="400"/>
You're on the road! Wow, it's very road-like.
[[keep going!]]
<audio src="audio/roadsounds1.mp3" autoplay loop>
You can always [[check your pockets.->Inventory check]]Yeah, home is where the heart is.
Good choice!
You feel like watching TV, but you notice the stove is still on.
[[Watch TV anyway.->watch TV]]
[[Turn off the stove first.->stove]]
You're watching TV.
You're trying to remember...is the stove on or off?
You think it's $stove.(if:$stove is "on")[[[Go check it?->stove]]]
That's enough TV, let's [[Go hit the road!]]
Or, you could (if:$stove is "on")[[[Take a nap.->dangernap]]](else:)[[[Take a nap.->safenap]]]
The stove is currently $stove.
[[Turn off the stove.->stoveoff]]
[[Nah, leave it. It'll be fine.->watch TV]]
(set: $stove to "off")
wow, you're so responsible. What an adult! You've turned off the stove. I'm so proud of you.
Oh, don't forget to take a snack bar with you.
(click-append:"snack bar with you")[(set: $inventory to $inventory + (a: "a snack bar"))
Got it! The snack bar is in your pocket.]
Now you've earned some [[TV time!->watch TV]]
(set: $tranquility to it + 1)
You are well rested.
Time to [[Go hit the road!]]
(t8n:"slide-right")+(t8n-delay:3s)[What's that ...smell?]
(t8n:"slide-right")+(t8n-delay:8s)[THE HOUSE IS ON FIRE!]
(t8n:"blur")+(t8n-delay:10s)[Game Over. (link-goto: "Restart", "Start")]
<img src="images/road2.jpg" width="500">
Oh, it's a very derivative fork-in-the-road. How unexpected.
Will you go [[left->ocean]] or [[right->fog]]?
<audio src="audio/roadsounds2.mp3" autoplay loop>
You can always [[check your pockets.->Inventory check]]<img src="images/road3.jpg" width="500">
Oh, it seems this highway bends along the oceanside. You stop to take in the sounds and scenery.
(set: $tranquility to $tranquility + 1)
(click-append: "Listen...")[
...and listen some more...]
(click-append: "more...")[
...and now, you can [[continue]] on. Or, you can stoop to (link: "pick up a stone.")[(set: $inventory to $inventory + (a: "a shiny stone"))pick up a stone.
Got it! The shiny stone is in your pocket.]]
<audio src="audio/ocean.mp3" autoplay loop><img src="images/road4.jpg" width="500">
You come to...something DHSI attendees will fill in later.
What is this? Some sort of impediment that DHSI students will fill in later?? What will the stone do?
At this point, you're feeling(if:$tranquility is 0)[ stressed.](else-if:$tranquility is 1)[ okay.](else-if:$tranquility > 1)[ pretty good, actually. You may visit the [[bonus zone]]!]
In your pockets, you find:
<!-- if the inventory contains nothing, show "nothing" -->\
(if: $inventory's length is 0)[...nothing but some lint. Oh well.](else:)[\
<!-- we iterate over the array and display each item -->\
(for: each _item, ...$inventory)[\
_item (unless: $inventory's last is _item)[, ]\
(set: $previouspage to (history:)'s last)
(link-goto: "Get back to what you were doing.", $previouspage)You made it to the BONUS ZONE!
(enchant:"BONUS ZONE", (text-style:"outline")+(text-style: "buoy")+(text-color:red))
In the end, isn't the real bonus the experiences we had along the way?
(unless: (passage:)'s name is "Inventory check")[(text-style:"superscript")[You can always [[check your pockets.->Inventory check]]]]