the work's critical use of 2d space is a core component of its message; should not be used simply to identify works that exist in 2d space
the work's critical use of 3d space is a core component of its message; should not be used simply to identify works that exist in 3d space
an algorithm plays a large part in the creation and/or selective display of the work's content
the work includes significant 2d or 3d animation
a standalone executable program meant to be experienced on a digital device
artificial intelligence
artificial intelligence plays a large part in the creation and/or selective display of the work's content; typically, the work goes beyond the use of standard algorithmic computation to include some form of machine learning
features prominent visual elements created from text, using the set of ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) characters
augmented reality (AR)
makes use of techniques that overlay digital information onto the physical world in some way, usually via a mobile device or wearable
engages critically with digital avatars and avatar usage in digital environments, such as virtual worlds and video games
short for 'web log'; the work makes use of a blogging platform to craft and deliver content
code work
a type of creative writing which 'in some way references or incorporates formal computer languages (e.g. C++) within the text'
the work invites and/or facilitates collaboration between several people and/or parties that results in some or all of its content
the work uses a program that 'accesses and presents data...and then through algorithmic processes, modifies or substitutes the data'
Scott Rettberg
the work's content constitutes or is based on data structures and/or data processing in a significant way
the work makes use of a database in its production and/or display of content
the work makes use of programs or platforms that intend certain content to be ephemeral, such as timed, self-deleting content
the work makes use of electronic mail in a significant way
the work's main content was generated in whole or in part by an autonomous system
the work's content makes use of intentional glitching of intended computer processes, programs, and formats
the work makes extensive use of hyperlinks to form connections between various media objects
the work makes extensive use of hyperlinks to connect discrete sections of text (lexia)
the work combines image and language in a way that evokes the practice of illustrated text
the work uses one or more technologies that engages the user on multiple sensory levels to create an effect of immersion
the work makes use of the Instagram platform and its specific affordances for content creation and/or distribution
users engage with the work via non-trivial interaction, such as making choices or entering input
internet (pre-web)
the work exists within or makes use of pre-web internet structures
the work 'relies on [a poetics of]spatiotemporal transitions with expressive literary, visual and aural layers'
Álvaro Seiça
the work emphasizes its own immediacy and authenticity as delivered over a network
the work involves real physical locations to the extent that elsewhere it cannot be experienced as intended; often involves locomotion
the work makes significant use of a microcontroller such as a Raspberry Pi or Arduino Uno
the work makes significant use of a mobile device such as a smartphone or tablet computer
the work makes significant integrated use of a variety of media, such as text, image, sound, and video
the work makes signicant use of decentralized communication involving multiple interconnected nodes
the work makes significant use of projection hardware and software to display and/or enable interaction with its content
the work is created to be experienced in a specific environment, such as CAVE
the work makes significant use of slideshow software such as Keynote or PowerPoint
social media
the work makes significant use of social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok
the work makes significant use of spreadsheet programs such as Excel
the work makes signfiicant use of hardware and software that tracks the user's biometrics, such as facial characteristics, fingerprint, or heart rate
virtual reality
the work makes significant use of virtual reality (VR) hardware and software
virtual world
the work exists within a virtual world such as Second Life or Minecraft
the work makes significant use of hardware and/or software to visualize nonvisual content
the work is made specifically for experience on the world wide web