Fruit Sando (Japanese Fruit Sandwich)

Fruit Sando's are Japanese fruit sandwiches great for picture perfect picnics and get togethers. Fresh fruit in between chilled whipped cream and fluffy bread is essential for people who love fruit and sweets!

sandwich with whipped cream and fruit slices inside


  • 1 big bowl
  • 1 medium sized bowl
  • electric hand mixer
  • whisk
  • plastic wrap
  • knife
  • 2 plates


  • 12 strawberries
  • 2 kiwis
  • 2 navel orange
  • 4 slices of shokupan (Japanese pullman loaf bread)
  • 1 cup heavy (whipping) cream
  • 5 tsp sugar
  • 1 tsp rum (optional)


  1. Gather all ingredients.
  2. Prepare fruit by peeling the kiwis and oranges and cutting the core out of the strawberries.
  3. Use a paper towel to remove moisture from the fruits.
  4. Prepare a large bowl of iced water. Place a clean medium sized bowl inside the iced water and add the heavy whipping cream. Start whisking at low speed with a hand mixer.
  5. Once bubbly, add the sugar and rum (if you are using it) and start to whisk on medium high speed.
  6. Keep mixing until peaks form when you lift your whisk up. Once peaks appear, remove the bowl from the iced water and start to hand whisk. Whisk until you achieve a spreadable, but not runny, consistency.
  7. Spread whipped cream on both sides of the sandwich bread. Any leftover whipped cream can be used to dip your fruit in.
  8. On one side of the sandwich bread, start to align your fruit. If you are cutting your sandwich diagonally, align your fruits diagonally.
  9. fill any gaps in between the fruit with whipped cream.
  10. Place the second pieces of bread over the fruits, whipped cream side down.
  11. Wrap the sandwich tightly with plastic wrap
  12. Place the sandwiches on a plate, putting your second plate on top of them to weigh them down. Refridgerate for at least one hour.
  13. Open the plastic wrap and cut the sandwich in the direction you aligned your fruit.
  14. Gently press on the sandwich and cut off the crust.
  15. Serve immediately. If you plan to transfer the sandwiches, make sure to keep them chilled at all times.