There is [[life]] around every corner you face.There is [[life]] around every corner you face.
The air crisp and the mind free of [[expression]].There is [[life]] around every corner you face.
The air crisp and the mind free of [[expression]].
The fear of expression hinders one’s ability to [[touch]] the soul.
The soul opens the door to what’s inside the [[heart]].
Our intentions and our [[affection]].
It allows us to [[feel]].
It allows us to [[breathe]] life.
It allows us to [[see]] beyond the surface.There is life around every corner you [[face]].There is life around every corner you [[face]].
Illuminating [[shapes]] and structure.
Whether it may be a [[circle]],
forming the [[diameter]] of sight.
Whether it may be an [[oval]],
forming the [[focal point]] of smell
Whether it may be a [[square]],
forming the [[symmetry]] of taste.There is life around every [[corner]] you face....There is life around every [[corner]] you face....
connected by two ends [[joining]] to create one.There is life around every [[corner]] you face,
just as a marriage binds [[two persons]] together.
A [[yin & yang]] establishing perfect harmony.
The [[elements]] of life bring diversity,
while [[diversity]] adds color. Color draws emphasis to the [[design of society]].
What makes one person [[sick]],
makes another [[healthy]].
What makes one person [[wealthy]],
makes another [[poor]].These elements in life illustrate a [[historic]] cycle.These elements in life illustrate a [[historic]] cycle.
A cycle of pain, [[fear]], and frustration.These elements in life illustrate a [[historic]] cycle.
A cycle of joy, [[love]], and happiness.
Only to end to begin [[anew]].
[[Pointing]] all to a truth;
a truth that [[glues]] all of mankind into one central being.
That [[truth]] is that there is life around every corner we face!
Twine created by Sandra Bush
Music by Dexter Britain, "Blissful Ignorance" is licensed under a Creative Commons License.
To find more of Dexter's work, go to www.dexterbritain.co.uk