growing pains

nobody prepares you for the amount of loss you experience as you move throughout this world
the loss of dreams
and expectations
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I’ve had a very hard time grappling with the movement of friends in and out of my life.

I can’t help but wonder
What if I had spoken up sooner
What if I had made more efforts
What if
What if
What if

It’s happened so often that I start to wonder if I’m the problem.

But what would that do?

I remind myself that life changes. Not everyone is meant to stay forever.

I remind myself to be kind. To myself, and to others. I only see the world from my experiences. I am simply doing the best I can.

So are you.

But how do you continue when a person you thought would be there for every milestone now lives a life separate from yours? They are no longer the first person you think to invite and you are no longer theirs.

Regardless, the days continue to pass. You meet new people, make new friendships. And bring into them knowledge that you didn’t have the last time. You are a better friend to them. You are a better friend to yourself.


You forgive yourself. You allow yourself to grieve. You allow yourself to be soft. You allow yourself space.

And you continue to allow people into your heart.

Messages confirming plans with friends

You allow yourself hope that this new friendship will be forever. But you recognize that you are only responsible for yourself.

Some things will be temporary.

And that’s okay.